Pink Saph1re (Jules) profile picture

Pink Saph1re (Jules)

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About Me

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30th March 2007 - The first time we've seen each other in 10 years - ha ha, a rockstar/fan reunion...this beats a school reunion any day!!!

10 years on, & we can still pose like the old times, ha ha ha !!!

30th Dec 2006 - Someone remind me why we had to stick our legs in the air??? Poor Paul thought we meant his 3rd leg ...bless, ha ha ha!!!

27th Jan 2007 - one can never have too many spoons, especially if one loves cuppas!

Hi folks,

I guess I better start at the beginning:

I grew up in York, then moved to Bradford for 3 years and studied "Interdisciplinary Human Studies" (In English that's - Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Literature, & Ethics) at uni. I graduated in 1999 with a 2:1

After Graduating I moved back to York for a couple of years & worked in insurance, which I hated...sooooooo boring!

I met my hubby, "Pip" during my first year at uni 9 years ago, & we got married in 2001. We had a wonderful Medieval wedding in York! Pip is my soul mate!!!

Pip on New Years Day 2006

My hubby, Pip is in the Royal Navy, so since he joined we've lived all over the place - 4 different homes in 4 years (3 different cities)'s been quite an adventure moving so often, but it does make it hard to make physical friends.

During our year in Somerset, I had a job working in a rehab house for adults living with serious depression, & schizophrenia. I later got accepted for a job working for Mencap, but had to decline the job due to us moving house again.

Eventually I'd had enough of constantly applying for jobs knowing I wouldn't be able to keep it, & instead, set myself up as self employed early 2004. I am now a full-time internet seller on ebay, selling craft items for card making & scrapbooking. I import most of my stock from other countries, & have customers worldwide. I love my job to bits, though I would be a little happier if I could increase my profits. Given time, I'm sure I will.

Me when I was a baby - wasn't I cute - ha ha

These are my lovely doggies

Our boy "Milo" (labrador/Rottweiler cross)
Our girl "Pebbles" (Greyhound/Staffie cross)
My Personality

Very friendly - I'll talk to anyone & everyone

Slightly crazy & a little bit wild *laughs*

I'm always smiling & laughing - it's very contagious if you're around me

I love joking around - wherever the fun is, I'm usually there. I'm not scared to make a complete fool of myself - in fact, I do it quite often

I'm kind & thoughtful

I'm a good listener & a good stalker (oops, meant talker)

I'm a perfectionist

I'm creative & very imaginative

I'm cheeky & sarcastic

I'm lovely - I promise you'll like me *cheeky grin*
I only bite sometimes...& only if you ask nicely!

The Refined Vampire
What type of vampire are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The little things in life I love

Making people smile, & others making me laugh so much I cry

The affection my dogs give me when I arrive back home

The smell & the beauty of the Lily flower

Making imaginary images with the clouds in the sky

The smell of wet grass

Watching the stars

Cobwebs with frost on

Walking through woods & forests

A hot bubble bath on a cold winter's night

Being tickled

Things that sparkle

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My Interests



Joey Tempest (left) from Europe...this pic is HOT *giggles* he gets extra points for singing my name in 'Prisoners In Paradise'!!!

I enjoy going to rock GIGS & meeting bands

Roadstar - October Tour 2006

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I love MYSTICAL FANTASY ART - Here are a couple of my favourite artists (click on their names to visit their websites):

Jessica Galbreth

Nancy Farmer

Listening to MUSIC (mostly rock, though I adore soppy love songs & movie soundtracks too)

Crafts such as card making, scrapbooking and cross stitch

I'm quite a deep thinker & love investigating the unexplained. I have an interest in psychology & para-psychology

I've been to EGYPT twice and I'm fascinated by Ancient Egyptian religion & culture

I'm also very interested in Japanese & Chinese history & culture, & look forward to visiting there one day.

I love making new friends. Each friend we make has something valuable to teach us.

If I had unlimited funds I'd buy clothes every day.

I have a soft spot for cheeky chappies, I find a cheeky grin or a nice smile irresistible!

Some of my fave blokes

Bruce - Guitarist in Yorkshire rock band Little Angels

Lauri - Finnish Singer (The Rasmus)

Robert Downey Jnr - American Actor

Josh Hartnett - American Actor

Changing my hair colour more often than some people wash theirs. I think I've had my hair most colours, though my fave colours are pink, purple or red depending on my mood at the time I dye it...I cut & dye it about once a month...YES, I cut my own hair - I don't trust hairdressers with their scary scissors. If I want a job doing properly I do it myself :o)

When I get time I love cooking meals from scratch. I love eating and prefer healthy & tasty meals.....FAVE FOODS: chicken - tuna - bacon - pasta - rice - cous cous - sweetcorn - peppers - cheese.

I'd like to meet:

People with similar interests to me, people who are friendly, interesting, funny, & down-to-earth.

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UK rock band "ROADSTAR"

The Rasmus - Little Angels - Toby Jepson - Nine Inch Nails - Roadstar - Sweet Seduction - Ramones - The Cult - Red Star Rebels - New Generation Superstars - Jackviper - Marilyn Manson - Kings Of Leon - The Rolling Stones - Elvis - Linkin Park - Bon Jovi - Papa Roach - Temperamental/Liquid/Delta Vega - Skin - Gun - Him - Offspring - Placebo - Poison - Aerosmith - Moist - Stabbing Westward - The Dreaming - Skid Row - Alice Cooper - Bon Jovi - Def Leppard - Guns 'N' Roses - Buckcherry - The Calling - Silverchair - No Doubt - Gwen Stefani - Shakira - The Killers - Adema - InMe - Buddy Holly - Billy Fury - Foo Fighters - Hoobastank - INXS - Garbage - Rooster - Evanescence - Blameless - B.L.O.W. - Skunk Anansie - Smashing Pumpkins

I also love Japanese/Korean rock music:

Trax - L'Arc En Ciel - Glay - Janne Da Arc - Gackt - Luna Sea

Korean rock band "TRAX"


I like all sorts of films, although HORRORS are my fave films!

Clive Barker's "Hellraiser" is my all time fave horror film (I watched it when I was 10 & it frightened the life out of me).

I also currently collect JAPANESE (plus some Korean & Thai) HORROR films.


Some of the films I like are (in no particular order):

American Psycho - Interview With The Vampire - The Lost Boys - Pearl Harbor - Titannic - The NeverEnding Story - Edward Scissorhands - Nightmare Before Christmas - Charlie & The Chocolate Factory - The Butterfly Effect - Labyrinth - Lord of the Rings - Bridget Jones Diary - Moulin Rouge - The Shining - Clockwork Orange - Full Metal Jacket - The Ninth Gate - Silence Of The Lambs - Gladiator - Carrie - Romeo + Juliet - Grease - Dirty Dancing - The Craft - Coyote Ugly - Practical Magic - Stigmata - Battle Royale - Tale of Two Sisters - Ring - Suicide Circle - The Eye


I love horrors and thrillers - My fave author is CLIVE BARKER, and my favourite books by him are Coldheart Canyon, and The Damnation Game.

My Blog

10 Year Reunion - Amazing Night - 30th March 2007

Toby Jepson gig in Hull - 30th March 2007What a fantastic night. It was super seeing Toby again & he put on a great show!But the most memorable part of the night for me was seeing my Delta Vega boys a...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:23:00 PST

Sweet Seduction & lots of vodka

Purple Turtle in Camden - 30th Dec 2006Had yet another super night...managed to work out how to get the London tube on my own (lol) & got to my friends house (Stef...we were secondary school friends, ...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 10:49:00 PST

ROADSTAR - York - 27th Oct 2006 - Party Time

Hmmm....well... Charly & I got to the venue pretty early, then promptly decided to change into our night time clothes, but couldn't be arsed to find some toilets to change in, so decided to change in ...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 02:14:00 PST

ROADSTAR - Peterborough - 24th Oct 2006 - Funny Pics

The bum grabbing next?!?! hand is the one with the black & white bracelets, but can you work out whose bum I'm grabbing??? lolThe title on this door entertained me all night...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:19:00 PST

ROADSTAR - Peterborough - 24th Oct 2006 - Live Shots

Live pics!!!Groupie pics to follow later........
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:24:00 PST

ROADSTAR - Newcastle - 22nd Oct 2006 - Very Tipsy

After seeing Roadstar at midnight the night before I was shattered before this gig - not enough sleep, lots of my only hope of staying awake was to get drunk & be merry, so that I did,...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:50:00 PST

ROADSTAR - Notts - 21st Oct 2006 - Hot & Sweaty Night

Charly & I getting very hot & sweaty at the front (she's gunna kill me for posting this pic publicly again, ha ha)...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 05:28:00 PST

ROADSTAR - Sheffield - 10th Oct 2006 - Crazy Night Was Had

Once upon a time....there was a girl who waited 8 months for this, & it was well worth it, as much fun was had by all. I went with my 2 younger sisters, middle sister Helen did the driving, cos I'm ho...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST

THE CULT - Another Dream Come True !!!

I saw The Cult last night. I've been a fan for half my life, but never got the chance to see them live until last night....but it was well worth the 14 year wait, as they were bloody fantastic !!!Got ...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST

ROADSTAR were fantastic last night

London Hammersmith Apollo - 4th Feb 2006 My favourite - I got 2 for the price of 1 - lucky me ^__~ "It's not fair, she's got more stripes than me" I'll be following this band on their futu...
Posted by Sweet Saph1re Seduction (Jules) on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:09:00 PST