Wow, Interests, camping, chillin, running, gaming, working, school, computers, paintballing, beach, motorcycles, the list goes on and on.. .
A zombie... so i can blow its head off...
or maybe even... ninjas
My tastes change all the time, i got through my country phase, whatever the hecks on the radio phase, my swing phase, my classic rock phase, ummm, yeah pretty much anything... except rap and screaming metal you cant understand. When it comes down to it, its the message in the song that makes me like it mostly.
I like alot of movies... too many to name.. .
Ok on CAT (awesome site by the way)... my list is this in no particular order: The 4400, Eureka, Flash Gordon, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Lost, The Unit, Private Practice, Greys Anatomy, Smallville, Stargate Atlantis, Robot Chicken, Sunny in Philadelphia, One Tree Hill, Battlestar Galatica, Jericho, Hyperdrive, Bionic Woman pretty much anything on sci-fi. OOoo It Crowd is Back? Holy Crap I watch alot of tv
Right now I'm working on the Ringworld Series by Larry Niven, but past favorites are The Harvest by Robert C. Wilson, umm Alas Babylon, Lucifer's Hammer, Mote In God's Eye, The Gripping Hand, yeah i'm a big scifi geek. But mostly right now, school books .
Definitly my dad, that man has been through alot and he keeps on tickin. He's one of the main reasons I came back to california. And he's the one who gave me the tools and knowledge to grow into the man I am today. And Sean when he displays certain qualities.. .