do you have the endurance?
My life is rated NC-17.
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umm.... i would like 2 meet all types of people (people who live close 2 me and people who live in differnt parts of the usa or differnt parts of the world.) just everybody! ummm... i dont know what else to say...... um , bye -tony
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any thing funny , SKATE VIDEOS , sceary movies , I LIKE ROB-ZOMBIES MOVIES , party monster , (THIS VIDEO ME AND MY FRIEND JOSH MADE) , 13 , SLC PUNK , the craft , AND THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RIGHT NOW .....
ummm... i dont watch to much tv any more but when i do it's mostly skateboard videos, or music videos or some shit like that.... um ya
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umm.... i dont read much but im gunna start reading sometime soon um... i like books about murders and misterys and stuff like that um... mind comp... ( havent yet but im going to soon :)
my heroes would hafe 2 be a few people and things ..... ok number .1 jamie thomas !!! number .2 andria dingalberry (newbeee's) lol number .3 JAMEE number.4 pot , X , cid , alc , and N E thing else! ...-fuck all this numbering shit- ........... skateboards , the skateboard shop (scott) and all or my friends and family (without you i would be dead!)