In the beginning, the universe consisted of only: Ginnungagap, Muspell, and Niflhiem. Niflhiem was a land of ice and cold; Muspell was a land of fire and heat; and Ginnungagap was the great emptyness, between Niflhiem and Muspell. In Niflhiem there was a great cauldron from which eleven rivers of poison flowed into Ginnungagap and froze. The heat and sparks from Muspell melted the ice in Ginnungagap and from it, two creatures came into being: Ymir, and Audumla. Ymir was a wicked frost giant, and Audumla was a giant ice cow; as Ymir drank Audumla’s milk, he became stronger. That night, when Ymir was asleep, a male and female frost giant grew from his armpits and from the soles of his feet grew a troll with six heads. For nourishment, the ice cow, Audumla, licked the ice that flowed into Ginnungagap; eventualy, she licked into being another giant, not evil and wicked, but a good giant who’s name was Buri. Buri married a frost giantess and had three sons (Odin, Vili, and Ve), who were not giants, but gods, who stood for everything that was good and just . Odin led his brothers against Ymir and slew him. The blood that pourded from Ymir’s veins drowned all the frost giants, exept two; who escaped in a hollowed out tree trunk. Odin and his brothers took Ymir’s skin and with it they made the earth. From his teeth, and hair they made the rocks and trees; with his bones, they made the mountains; and Ymir’s blood became the sea. The brothers found maggots in the dirt near Ymir’s body; they turned them into dwarves and dark elves. Also the Brothers found beautiful creatures in the soil; and called them Light elves. The brothers then called four dwarves, North, South, East, and West, to hold up Ymir’s skull; which they called the sky. Finally Odin took sparks from Muspell and threw them into the sky as stars. And so the world began . . . . . .
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