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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the President of an up and coming MultiMedia Company (Pair-A-DiceMultiMedia,LLC.) Our primary goal is to provide quality products in the Entertainment industry without "selling our souls 4 a fistful of dollars." I mostly handle the Film/Video (producing) side of the business and I stay busy with Photography. We are always searching for NEW TALENT and MODELS 4 events/marketing/products, etc. We are out to help anybody that is focusing on making "Power Moves". We will customize our packages to a comfortable fit and provide the absolutely best quality and service. "If you do it right the first time, you won't have to refry it!" I work freelance, so feel free to message me directly (I will respond in within 24hrs.). If you are looking to shoot a music video, wedding production, picture bio, commercial, portfolio, advertise, sponsor a product, create a logo, or just collect some cool art/photography..."We Got You Covered!" Also available for event photography, Leave a MESSAGE to BOOK. Respect to everyone out there doing something positive! Bless I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Don't Mess Around

Add to My Profile | More VideosAt the range in Orlando,FL, talkN SH*t! Bout 2 let off some steam!

My Interests

FROM ONE BROTHA 2 ANOTHA, WE MUST LINK UP AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER!!! THE POWER IS IN NUMBERS!!! ONE-LUV LONG LIVE PAIR-A-DICE!!!Snapshots of life WITHOUT a pose. I enjoy photographing animals like I love my woman...WILD! I love to analyze life and write about my discoveries and adventures that I have traveling worldwide. Conversations are the best! Especially when you reach that common spot between yourself and another human. Say Word!Real FL Gators! Some serious OGs here! Yes, I took these shots! Definetly one of the biggest "rushes" in life! And NO, this is not at a zoo!

I'd like to meet:

People who have turned pain into fuel and used it to blaze a trail. In "LAME-NS" -people who refuse to stop short of there goals. And more honest Hip-Hop artists with TRUE talent and passion for the GAME( not the rapper). Professional Photographer for ANY occassion RIGHT HERE! If it means anything 2 ya..


I love all music (no exceptions)! It's from the heart and someone's vision of life in a story or feelings in a melody. I'm not saying I listen to it all, I just have a strong appreciation for it. My only thing is that if U have the world tuned in...give the people sumthin' GOOD to digest. Live an IMPACT...then, Enjoy life..without a reason. /mspobjA Tribute 2 D.J. Tony Neal...One Of the Best!


Boys N' The Hood (classic), Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, Goodfellas, The Godfather, of course Scarface, Amelie (foreign), Paid In Full, Boundack Saints, Resevoir Dogs, Elling (foreign), Unleashed, Cocaine Cowboys...yeah, I'm a Movie Head!!


I don't really watch too much T.V. It's a big waste of human life (in my opinion)! I do enjoy watching the discovery, history, and travel channels thinking one day I'll be there one day! B.E.T. gives me the word on the current events and new development (or undevelopment) in Hip Hop! Big Moss (Trio Records) with the Legendary DMC (of Run-DMC). ALL photos by, Pair-A-Dice Productions( 4 hire) Now this is Funny! Everybody knows not 2 play with the police EXCEPT....


The Art of War, Airtight Willie And Me, The Book Of Virtues, The Bible, The Koran, The Study of Hindu, Japanese Understanding, The Rose That Grew From Concrete, The Philosophy of Sex and Love- yes, I am intelligent Life!! ( With a pretty descent interpretation of it- life that is)


All the people who died for change and believed in it enough to be the Sacrifice! And all the people who overcome nightmarish opticals to enjoy the grass on the other side! Stay Strong.. R.I.P. "Chief Anna Houston"....My Mother, Grandmother, & my best friend. A warrior 2 the very end...May God Bless You Always....

My Blog

Life, Love, & Relationships

It is my own belief that LOVE is something U feel for a partner U've had 4 about 30 days( about 90 if the sex is good). After about 30days everything that wuz new is old and the curiousity of this new...
Posted by PJae on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:32:00 PST

Video and Photography

Yo, anyone out there tryN 2 make a major move this year, I'm alwayz down with some cool RIGHTEOUS movement(s). Get at me here and I will respond. I got ideas, now I'm ready 2 DEW SUMPN! Holla...
Posted by PJae on Thu, 17 May 2007 10:34:00 PST


This is the beginning of the FUP/PAD music/video collaboration. The Mob is currently launching "all states" street promotion. U can catch FUP Mob recording artist "Yung Bos" while promoting current pr...
Posted by PJae on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 05:39:00 PST

Growing Up

The "Most High" has given us all a purpose in life that can not be fulfilled in death. Some would say a "calling" that once figured out, provides a reason 2 why U live. Well, my light is finally on. I...
Posted by PJae on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 07:55:00 PST


Well, it is the morning after 9-11, a date that rocked a nation and exactly a week ago today and 2hrs. after my close friend Christopher Rodriguez died in an car accident. I have witnessed a lot of f...
Posted by PJae on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 01:25:00 PST


So amazing how the right choice is too obvious, still,..... we pick the wrong one? Choose the one that looks good, sounds good, and may even taste good to U, yet it leaves a bitter taste. It appears...
Posted by PJae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Patience is the KEY to the survive the obSTACKles in life! At times when U R sad you can't find your smile, as if U lost it, but if U take your time you will find the answers you are searchin' 4! "A...
Posted by PJae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Everyone talks about respect, but very few know what it consist of. Being humble, showing and proving, being dependable, honest, and well rounded, are just a few character traits. Though I believe e...
Posted by PJae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST