Three words..."What ya got?"
Jem, Betty Boop, someone who stuffs stuffed animals down their pants, anyone who is not going to sniff my panties while I'm sleeping, people as motivated and as crazy as I am, Christian Slater, potential models, people who want to give me head and be ok with me rolling over and going to sleep afterwards, future "boy band" members, rich old men who like quirky girls, the guy who invented beef jerky, people to laugh with me about my "Mickey Mouse roll call of bad decisions", people with open minds (and legs), friends who make me laugh so hard that I pee (just a little), guys who like a carrot in the ass or would at least consider it, and those that will love me anyway.
Depends on the day. I like things that make me want to shake my bootie. You can't tell me what to like, and I won't try to tell you.
Yes, I have a lot of them. They help keep me company and drown out the noises of my left toe singing me songs late at night.
Sure, do you have one I can borrow? Mine shoots flames and tells me I'm going to hell whenever I watch porn. I hate that.
I like them. They have words and help to make me sound more educated than I actually am. I can read a book and ignore all the other boring conversations going on around me. And I love true crime books. The most romantic Valentine's Day present ever given to me was the "A-Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers" least that guy way paying attention.
My friends are pretty cool, although I'd really like to meet all of us in "Bizzaro World", where we were all a force for evil, instead of good. I think we would get a lot more done that way. Evil doers always seem so much more motivated.