Chad Evans profile picture

Chad Evans

Bitch, I don't just turn heads...I break necks! Like Oh my god!

About Me

Please Take Notice You are viewing this page of your own free will. No one is forcing you to read my page. If you do not like me as a person. or if my views and morals offend you, please exit now, and save me the 3 seconds and 'devastating heart ache' of pressing the 'delete' & 'block' button after hate mail. If you don't like me please block me, I'm hardly going to lose sleep over it, I'm asking you to. Consider this your disclaimer, by reading on you agree that you are CHOOSING to read more about me and what I stand for, alternatively please leave my page now. I don't mean to be mean but it does get annoying.Yours truly,-Chad Evans- The one and only
.. ..
"Character is defined by what you are willing to do when the spotlight has been turned off, the applause has died down, and no one is around to give you credit!" So welcome to my page. The name is Chad Evans. I'm a boy wanting to be successful but to look good while I pull that off. I'm very friendly, opinionated, sarcastic, random, painfully honest, blunt, needing attention sometimes, occasionally conceited, shallow or deep as I want and/or need to be. Overall, I am a social bitch. I also strive to make people smile! Yes indeed! My happiness is infectious to other people and thats what makes me happy. I do what I want and what I feel. Do not tell me what to do and we'll get along peachy. I can occasionally come off as a bitch but I'm actually a pretty genuinely nice person. I have been celebate for 10 months not because i have to be, but because I choose to be. I've learned that life sucks, to get over it, and let fate run its course. Assume what you want about me. You can judge the clothes on my back, who I am, and my oppinion on things. Just be aware (not beware) that my confidence is rising and I WILL live my life... like I'm on the runway. Get out of my way...This is what I believe in... Choices. Life is full of them. As you go into the world, make good ones.
Choose words...
Carefully-they are powerful.
Wars have been fought over words.
Treaties have been forged over them.
Find words of praise that bring peace
into your life.
Choose friends...
That care about your inner soul
and always make time for them.
No matter how busy your life
may seem-the bonds of friendship
will last forever.
Choose knowledge...
make learning a lifetime goal.
Be open to new discoveries.
Be able to discern the truth
and find it in both fact and faith.
Always be curious.
Choose beauty...
Uncover the wonders of the universe
in garden paths and crashing waves.
Fill your soul with melodic song
let your body flow in dance.
Appreciate nature.
Choose compassion...
For those less fortunate
lend a hand to the young, the old,
to the unlucky along life's path.
Be thankful for your good fortune,
give of yourself.
Choose love...
Find the person who makes you whole
that makes you laugh, dries your tears.
That wants to walk hand in hand on
Life's challenging and bumpy paths
and be true to you.
Choose family... Celebrate together whenever possible
re-tell silly tales on each occassion.
Be generous and open you home-
never estrange yourself from them
they are your heritage.
And Choose life...
Be willing to take a stand
for all that is good, against all evil
raise your own children to
know that life is a blessing and
celebrate each day...

My Interests

Chad Evans' Fuckin' Fabulous Top Hits

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet everyone. I mean believe it or not, that IS impossible. I want to meet the person that will change the WORLD for me. The One who will make me go weak at the knees, The One who will show me the path I need to take, The One who will show me the future. And don't assume it's you because it probably isn't. This myspace is mainly used for networking. Don't complain to me about boosting my numbers. Get over it. My hand is not controlling your finger to press accept on the mouse. And don't advertise yourself on my's tacky. Cause it WILL be deleted. And if you leave excessive amounts of comments advertising and I have to keep deleteing them...I'll report you...and you will officially be out of my hair. So how about you make me happy and not do that.And obviously I want to meet any celebrity. Not that I need to or want to, but because I find them fascinating and maybe one day I'll be one. I doubt it, but a boy can dream.Too many people to meet, some people from the past, present, and future. PARTY ON !!






Cant get enough!


Only if i had more time too....


MY MOM!!! she has gone through so much. ive been helping her as much as i possibly can and she keeps fighting for us and supports us in anything we do. i recently came out to her and she was very supportive. i love her so much and God is finally helping her in the direction she needs to go in life.LOVE YA MOM WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!! ♥♥♥And Walt Disney, you give me so much inspiration. Everyday that I work in that beautiful park I really do feel at home. Even if there are rude people there, as long as they smile, even if it's fake, I did my job. I love the families, the kids, and the dreams I make come cliche.

My Blog


What is wrong with me? Honestly. I'm not looking for sympathy. Yesterday...I was trying to pick out an outfit for TigerHeat. And I felt hidious. I mean I wanted to cry. I actually HAD to put on make u...
Posted by Chad Evans on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 07:16:00 PST

I'm just a boy

So I'm hoping this isn't going to turn into a deep blog or something. A lot of people who read my stuff say they love it so im hoping its not going to be boring.So recently...I forgot when obviously.....
Posted by Chad Evans on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:22:00 PST

TigerHeat 3/22

Oh my god! There are seriously like no words for the fun that I had. First of all, I was with the most amazing people ever. Lee, Andy, and Taylor (On my top friends). Holy shit it was so fun. So lets ...
Posted by Chad Evans on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 03:38:00 PST

Last year...

So not to confuse anyone, as in Last Year, as in this upcoming year is my last year not like the past Last Year, get it? No, okay well then stop reading haha.   IF you did, so I'm kind of sad. I ...
Posted by Chad Evans on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:15:00 PST


So yes everyone I have one. There is a link a button link on my page above the map so go click on it. And no its not to phish you. If you think that then change your password right after and we dont h...
Posted by Chad Evans on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:31:00 PST

Beautiful Liar

If any of you havnt seen this music video "Beautiful Liar" by Beyonce and Shakira you must! Go to yahoo and search for this and then search by artist or song. musicjesus   I was right against the...
Posted by Chad Evans on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:48:00 PST


So this is not a very happy blog. It'll actually be quite short cause there's not that much to say.So this is about the baby on life support. Unfortunately, blood wasnt reaching the brain so they took...
Posted by Chad Evans on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 08:41:00 PST

Danity Kane/Pussycat Dolls/Christina Aguilera Concert

Ok so well im kind of dissapointed i didnt get to see Danity but thats ok. The concert was AMAZING! I highly recommend it for everyone to go see whenever she's near you. WOO! I partied on the whole ti...
Posted by Chad Evans on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:20:00 PST

Oh dear february

Is there a curse on this month? Is there a study showing how many people die during this month approximately.  This month doesnt seem to get any better. Of course...its MY life. Ugh. SO!! This ca...
Posted by Chad Evans on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 07:08:00 PST

Bad Month

So basically this has not been a good month.We start out my February with a car accident. And then we move into the post stress of the accident. For example car insurance, and consequences. Then we mo...
Posted by Chad Evans on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 02:11:00 PST