This Is What I'm About. Music Is Life, Love Is My Passion.
Thousands of years of human history, i.e. human lives, have been wasted to the pointless struggle man against man to steal the fruits of the others’ labor. The result of this darkness is striking: a society where any action creates both winners and losers is a losing society on any level. A society where creation is punished by the use of force of the non-creating is a barbarian society with only limitations. The possibilities are constantly overshadowed by the limits of one man to stand tall against the aggression of the multitude. Force feeds force in an ever increasing circle of pain, oppression, exploitation, and poverty.
Check Out My Bands On My Top friends List.
Spoils Of W(A)R
Side FX
All Instruments
Missing Joey
. Another Lover. Free Thinkers, Anyone Who Likes To discuss A Better Way Of Life. People who I can learn from. Weirdo's and Colorful People. A Love so True. A Good Dank Hookup. Anarchist's And Atheist's. YOU!
The goal is obvious to the anarchist and anyone wishing to knock down the aggression of our age: the source of force, oppression,exploitation, aggression, and usury must be abandoned and crushed. The state must go!
Voluntary conduct and equality go hand in hand, if one is not respected so is the other restricted. There can only be equality if everyman/woman is respected for what he/she is, wants and chooses. There is only voluntary conduct if every man’s and women's actions and choices are equally respected and unhampered. From this follows the core of anarchist thought: every man (*i.e. man, woman, and child) is free to choose whatever he sees fit as long as it does not involuntarily limit the choices of another.
(**I.E. is an abrrevation for That is, from the latin word Id est, haha just incase you didnt know)
Anarcho-Thrash-Ska-Crust. The Kind I Write. Im not going to put down every band I have liked, way, way to many, But 2 bands that are the most influencial in my mind were Choking Victim And Operation Ivy. 2 bands i have listened to everyday since 7th grade. And will never grow tired of. Bands ive been listening to latley alot are Aus Rotten, Molitov Compromise. Canon Law. Public Defication. Dun Bin Had. Nausea. Behind Enemy Lines, And DFL (of course)
Chad, Austin and I started a band, SPOILS OF W(A)R I Moved to seattle in febuary. This is going to be so fucking sick, just wait.
Again, way to many to list. Heres some of my favorites. American Hardcore. SLC Punk. V for Vendetta. The God Delusion. Fear And Loathing. Loose Change. Any movie that has a creative meaning behind it.
No, I do not turn on my T.V. at my house, unless someone thats over wants to. I rather entertain myself, with anything beside the crap they put on t.v. But Family Guy is always good for a laugh. Or Will and Grace. haha seriously i like that show.
Dont Let This Picture Scare You off. I belive everyone has the right to choose what is best for them. Just because i'm an athiest, doesnt mean I will discriminate against you for beliving in god. And I hope the same from you. I Just dont need religion and false hope to live my life by. I belive Our Mother earth is our closest thing to a god, and Living here in this world, with friends, family, love and good times is the closest we will ever get to a heaven... LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!
Not Really... I've just been playing ALOT of guitar and bass, till my fingers bleed and hurt and i cant fucking move them at all. I LIKE TO READ ABOUT ANARCHY, A SOCIAL CHANGE IS NEEDED, AND ANARCISM IS THE ANSWER. EQUALITY AND FREEDOM WILL FOLLOW.
Protesters. Political Prisioners. Anarchist's, Athiest's Any one who has died for a better way of life. Vegetarians. My family and Friends. Hunter S. Thompson. God.... haha just fucking with you, there's no god, haha
Emma Goldman
Lucy Parsons
Pyotr Alexeevich Kropotkin
Mikhail Bakunin
"Anarchists know that a long period of education must precede any great fundamental change in society, hence they do not believe in vote begging, nor political campaigns, but rather in the development of self-thinking individuals.â€
~Lucy Parsons
"Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it.â€
~Mikhail Bakunin
"It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies."
~Noam Chomsky
"Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
~Thomas Paine
"The State is the curse of the individual. . . The State must go! That will be a revolution which will find me on its side. Undermine the idea of the State, set up in its place spontaneous action, and the idea that spiritual relationship is the only thing that makes for unity, and you will start the elements of a liberty which will be something worth possessing."
~Emma Goldman