WA Drive Out The Bush Regime profile picture

WA Drive Out The Bush Regime

If Bush leaves office without being held accountable for war crimes, then his program stays no matte

About Me

Declare It Now: Wear Orange! Make visible the sentiment to Drive Out Bush! ..Wanted: The Bush Regime for Crimes Against HumanityAre you for Illegal War or Are you Against It?Are you for Torture or Are You Against IT?If you are against it, you need to Declare it Now, Wear Orange.Get Your Own!
Declare it now organizing kits

"Drive Out the Bush Regime" Orange Bandanas

Orange in Bulk! Find Orange Wristbands, Wholesale Orange Bandanas, Orange Ribbon, Orange Utility Tape

My Interests

If ever there was a time to step outside the boundaries of what 'common wisdom' accepts as possible, this is it. We need - the whole world needs - a movement of massive and powerful RESISTANCEimg src="http://a480.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/125/l_8ff 53ebe6da4cbe4b7ad584c3ded315f.jpg"

I'd like to meet:

The Call of World Can't Wait, Drive Out The Bush Regime Supported by Sean Penn, Howard Zinn, Cindy Sheehan and more.....YOUR GOVERNMENT on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and justifying it.YOUR GOVERNMENT puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in the dead of night.YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.People look at all this and think of Hitler - and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come. We must act now; the future is in the balance.
see what Mumia Abu-Jamal and Henry Rollins are saying about World Cant Wait Drive Out The Bush Regime
Read and Sign the rest of Call Here
We are the Generation that can to change the course of history!


Method Man img src="http://www.worldcantwait.net/images/orange_friday/rock- the-bells/RockTheBells_Aug2007007.jpg"


Bush Crimes Commission DVD Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, former commander of Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq testifies on how the abuse of prisoners in U.S. custody originated at the highest levels img src="http://williambowles.info/images/sir_no_sir.jpg"


Rage Against The Machine at Rock The Bells


Oil, Power and Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda by Larry Everest, Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy by Noam Chomsky Baghdad Burning, Girl Blog From Iraq by Riverbend Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA interventions Since World War II, Updated Through 2003 By William Blum A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror, by Alfred McCoyWith God on Their Side: George W. Bush and the Christian Right by Esther Kaplan


She was convicted of treason and executed by guillotine.Since the 1970's she has been celebrated[1] as one of those Germans who actively opposed the Third Reich during the Second World War One person can take a standThe world faces a grave emergency. The very nature of US society and its relationship to the world is being reshaped in horrific ways before our eyes, including now escalating the Iraq war & threatening Iran with nuclear weapons. Yet the full implications of these sweeping changes are not widely understood, even among those who oppose the Bush administration.This must change and resistance must grow

My Blog

Election ’08, Bamboozling You Into Empire.

from www.revcom.us     Election '08Bamboozling You into the Empire www.revcom.us Change. How can anyone look around the world and not want change? Five years of war in Iraq leaving over one ...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:47:00 PST

Pearl Jam speaks out against Bush!

Fans Fury Over Censorship of Pearl Jam!. August 5, 2008, Pearl Jam played Lollopalooza.  Performing the song "Daughter", the band wove in the famous Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall". ...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:27:00 PST

The Call!

P>YOUR GOVERNMENT on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights. YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and ju...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:41:00 PST

Another Righteous Person Attacked.

An Open Letter to America: "Now is the time for us to stand up and stand together" By Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. July 1, 2007 My Fellow Americans: The power of our voices against the U.S. occupatio...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 11:55:00 PST

Will Bush bomb Iran?

By Larry Everest There is a real possibility that the U.S. may launch a military attack on Iran. Yet far, far too many people are either unaware of--or in denial about--this very grave situation which...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:30:00 PST

This is NOT an article about Cindy Sheehan

  What Are YOU Going to Do Now? This is Not a Story About Cindy Sheehan By SUNSARA TAYLOR This is not a story about a woman who raised four children, sent one off to war, and collapsed one day in...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 11:35:00 PST

British men imprisoned due to leaked memo.

..> By Kenneth J. Theisen, 5/11/07 On May 10, 2007, two British men were sentenced to prison for leaking a memo which discussed an April 16, 2004 meeting between British Prime Minister Tony Blair a...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:05:00 PST

Denounce the LAPD Rampage on May 1st  We Demand a Better World

by Travis Morales We all saw the police riot on the May 1st at MacArthur Park. Battalions of armed police clubbed and shot their way through an immigrant rights rally. Hundreds of LAPD cops in full r...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:53:00 PST

Barack Obama- Not a savior!

Your government enforces a culture of greed bigotry intolerance and ignorance! By Perry Bacon Jr.Washington Post Staff WriterThursday, May 3, 2007; A01 Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is delivering pointe...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:24:00 PST

Driving Out the Bush Regime is Up to the People! Impeach the War Criminals Now.

  Speech given by Debra Sweet, National Director of World Can't Wait, at a Town Hall impeachment event attended by 500 people in Houston, Texas, April 9, 2007.   Did any of you vote for, or ...
Posted by WA Drive Out The Bush Regime on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:42:00 PST