Narcissus Narcosis (taking a break from myspace) profile picture

Narcissus Narcosis (taking a break from myspace)


About Me

- For those who want to be on my Friend's list.
- Proof Video that I'm the person from my pics.
- Bored? Check out my Photobucket account.
"Sondra is sexier than dinosaurs, very hard to pull off. She is a Sexisaurus Rex. She is also one of the kindest, most caring and absolutely wonderful people I have ever gotten to know. She can make the shittiest days better for me, and make me smile when no one else can. Plus she's a Sexisaurus Rex. Don't fuck with her or I'll rip your eyes out and skull rape you repeatedly until with your last breath and apologize for making her feel bad in the slightest. End of story."
- Tyler"Sondra is one of the nicest and friendliest people you'll ever meet in this Myspace place. She's a fantastic singer, she's a Manson fan (Which, in my opinion, is just about the highest quality type of person you can be.), and she's also quite beautiful, but that's just obvious, isn't it? To sum it up, Sondra = awesomeness."
- Brian"Well, you're prolly one of the easiest people to talk to, and extremely cool, into a lot of creepy stuff, and like it's awesome and stuff, and like you can relate to a lot of people's problems, and you're soooo nice unlike a lot of people. Though, that eye picture thing for your band was just way too creepy for me. You're still sweet, too, and and and you're random, and enjoy your bird food from time to time... if I recall... and and you have a cool Chuckie doll, and are just an all around cool person. So, yeah. You can say TJ wrote it or something, but yeah if I had any more brain cells left to stay awake I'd write more, but that's what I gots."
- TJ"I like you. You give me stuff and give me some toys and makeup and nail polish. I like all your stuff in your room and how you give me stuff. I like watching TV in your room and I like all the chickens in your room and more chickens in your room, and I like you. Love you, and I love your balls."
- Lita"You're too damn hot to be sad and depressed all the time. Life comes down only to go up later. Take my word for it. I know what I'm talking about... =) You have the world at your knees and you can't even see it, love! Open your eyes, 'smell the shit on your knees' and smile, because you see life in a way that many never will."
- Paige 666"Sondra is flawless. She's one of those people that makes your heart skip a beat, and it's not just that she's the most beautiful person ever to walk this earth - it's who she is, how she speaks, and what she does. It almost breaks your heart to look at someone so brilliantly breathtaking. I absolutely adore her."
-Daly"Sondra is fuckin' awesome. I can so trust her with my life definitely. I tell her everything and I know she will never tell anyone things I don't want anyone finding out. We met so long ago, there's a long-ass story to how we met lol. I remember when we were little and had fuckin' awesome Halloween parties hahaha. Sondra will always be my friend no matter what. No one will ever break our friendship. <3"
- Leeann"To Sondra, Pretty girls don't cry. Beautiful girls kill. One look at you my darling dear and it's their demise. To cross you would be a death wish with no surprise. Your beauty sings a sweet lullaby. Your pictures tell a story. Your heart is that lil' island in the middle of the ocean, where everyone wants to be... I dig you =) lol. I like cheering you up. I like saying hi, because you do the same. =)"
- Stephanie"Well, where to start with Sondra. We all know she is absolutely stunning, but there is no need for me to go on and on about her beauty. She is very unique. She likes Manson, and even though he's not my favorite, I love her. She is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She will cheer you up when you feel like giving up. If you're up in the middle of the night, she will most likely be there to talk to. (: She is great at giving advice, and has a good head on her shoulders. I wish she was happier with herself, and saw what others see in her sometimes, but I love Sondra. Even though I have only hung out with her a few times, it was very fun. Get to know her, you will love her as much as I do, I promise you that. =]"
- Casey"Even though she may come off harsh, Sondra is one of the nicest people you will ever meet in your life. She cares so much and has a heart. Words can't describe her, or how great of a person she has come to be in my eyes. Sondra is such a beautiful girl and a very talented person, from singing to her artwork, I want her to draw me a tattoo one day (=D). She has given me the best advice when I was in deed for it, and she never told me to give up. I love her to death, and I wish that we would live closer to each other, and go to concerts, as many as we can. I love you, babe."
- Jenn"Sondra's the shit, she's sexy and gorgeous and awesome. She has great hair all the time and has really cool shit in her room, (I've seen pics, but I'd love to see in person... lol). She's extremely nice and amazing. She has major skillz at guitar and singing and I love her!"
- EmilyContributes to this section would be highly appreciated.

My Interests

The name's Sondra.
I'm... weird. Forgive me.
Nothing stops me from being me.
Birthday: February 21, 1991.
I'm taken, I love Damien.
Hair's black, shades of purples,
and shaved underneath with
a sexy tiger striped pattern.
I do my hair and piercings myself.
Don't forget makeup, I'm pro.
*Bows down* Thanks, betches!
7 piercings in total of ears,
plus two small gauged lobes.
Center of my lip is pierced.
I have no tattoos, damn shame.
I have natural blue/green eyes.
My style can be pretty edgy.
I claim it as myself. Fuck labels!
I do what I please with my image
on a daily basis and can care less if
the world's going to laugh at me.
What you see, is all for me, mannn.
I drown in vampyric fantasies.
I model, and self esteem blows.
What a combination, right?
I will model for TFP, TFCD,
and paid assignments only.
Ask me - I do sexy makeup,
hair coloring and hair cutting.
Small fee, I'll do those for ya.
Jeff Hardy
Marilyn Manson
Dita Von Teese
Dani Filth
Amy Lee
Matt Hardy
Rob Zombie
Freddy Krueger
Sheri Moon Zombie
Jonathan Davis
Rosie Smith
Marta Peterson
Amy Dumas
Tim Burton
Wes Craven
Robert Englund
R.L. Stine
Rachel Talalay
Brian Welch
Anton LaVey

I love my boyfriend. <3

Rest in peace, Snoopy.

I'd like to meet:

Please leave me a voice comment!I'd like to see Jeff Hardy in person for a 7th time!

My Blog

For everyone on my friends list, or those who want to be...

Posted by Narcissus Narcosis (taking a break from myspace) on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 05:00:00 PST

Apparently I'm plastic and don't exist...

Suck on this!Just a salute for some websites that I have an account on, and I've been getting many people arguing with me that they don't believe I'm really the person in the pictures. They ...
Posted by Narcissus Narcosis (taking a break from myspace) on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 04:37:00 PST

My creations...

can all be viewed here. it out. Add me and comment my work if you have an account on DA.I'd love to know what everyone thinks of my shit.Thanks, sexy bitch...
Posted by Narcissus Narcosis (taking a break from myspace) on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 10:38:00 PST