We're not TechniKult Of Flesh....we are the street promoters for the band.
This page is usually under constant construction....updating is a neverending job ;) Check back often for new information on TechniKult Of Flesh Burke- TKF Promotions
A brief and temporary bio
Technikult Of Flesh is a band based in NYC. They are a band that refuses to be categorized. They are continually evolving their musical boundaries....thus, they have no boundaries ;) They chose Myspace as the primary tool in which to market themselves. Hope is the singer. She is a decendant of a great American Indian named Sitting Bull. She often taps into her native roots and incorporates it into her songs and attire. Aktor is the musical force behind the band...he does everything from synths to mixing. And of course, there is Vile. His hot guitar licks shine on the new Album, Dark And Faithful.
"Technikult of Flesh is for those who like the riskiest sounds in dark music" - Canal Tea Radio (Spain)
"Influences vary greatly but still manages to be being more goth than thou, and doing well from it. They're not nice, posh, sweet, over produced or pretending to be scary like most goth acts, they are what most goth bands strive to be...Marylin Manson though would be proud (if only his new stuff was like this)" - Dukester PR (UK)
"TechniKult of Flesh sound is exciting with the Debut album “Dark and Faithful†release!! Combine Collide and Android Lust, and at the same time add a sharp edge; effective and packed!" - Bloodline242 (Japan)
Please put this banner on your page...it links to the official TechniKult Of Flesh page. Just copy the text in the box below and paste anywhere in your profile!
Here is a banner that links to our promotions page. Enjoy!