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About Me

A red porcupine whose quills are full of dandruff, thus the name. Flaky is one of the more popular characters in series and has the identifiable personality of being a very shy and timid character and she is also afraid of chicks (ornithophobic). However, Flaky's personality is often misunderstood by both some of the fans and even those around his. For instance, Flaky will try to rescue the character that is in danger but Flaky can't muster up the courage to do so.Flaky has often been viewed as a coward. However Flaky's actions in both the internet shorts and the TV series go against this as she had been brave and in several occasions and had saved her own life several times. Additionally, when hanging around with Cuddles, Flaky is often forcefully dragged into situations that lead to both their demises, despite her warning Cuddles about possible dangers that could occur.Flaky is a helpful character, as evidenced by a couple of the TV episodes. All these factors suggest that Flaky is not only overly cautiousness (as opposed to being a coward), but also one of the more intelligent and kind characters of the series (for example daring to organize a surprise birthday party for Flippy, a character who is well-known for being mentally unstable).In "Party Animal", it is revealed that she is allergic to peanuts. She also has a fear of flying, and is prone to vomiting. The fact she is a porcupine often causes trouble - her quills often impale other characters and destroy objects unintentionally. Also her excessive dandruff has sometimes been exploited by other characters, and is likely the reason why Disco Bear never flirts around her. In the Second Serving DVD, she was given her own breakfast cereal called Flaky Flakes, which resemble cornflakes with red and white pieces mixed in.Flaky's first and third kills were done after she gets sent to her death. From the episode, "Rink Hijinks", when Disco Bear pushed her, and then she fell onto Lumpy's floor buffer, therefore her quills flew out of control and pierced Disco Bear to death. And from "Party Animal", after she got popped like a balloon by the Mole, her quills poked him to the wall. Her second kill is from "Let It Slide", because Lumpy accidentally turned off the water, she puts her quills all over the water slide, separates the water slide and dies, and later on when Cuddles goes onto it he died, sliced in two by the separated slide, so we can say that Flaky killed Cuddles.Most fans assumed that Flaky is a male. But according to Mondo Media, it states that Flaky is a female character even though she doesn't have eyelashes like Giggles and Petunia do.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter Graphic


Download the Happy Tree Friends Theme Song and drive you friends nuts!


Flaky's movie credits include: "First Blood" (2002) "Second Serving" (2003) "Third Strike" (2004)Box Sets: "Overkill" (2005)


Flaky makes an appearance every Wednesday night at midnight on G4 Video Game Television.