Lifty profile picture



About Me

Lifty & Shifty are green kleptomaniac raccoons. They steal anything that they can get their hands on, even if it isn't a real object as Mime already knows all about!Lifty is a part of a host of adorable animated forest animals that face and eye-popping calamities at every turn. Cute, cuddly and horribly wrong, it's the Happy Tree Friends -- Resistance is futile!

My Interests

Stealing anything he can get his hands on.

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts MySpace Backgrounds MySpace Codes Glitter Graphic


Download the Happy Tree Friends Theme Song and drive your friends crazy


Lifty's movie credits include: "First Blood" (2002) "Second Serving" (2003) "Third Strike" (2004)


Lifty makes an appearance every Wednesday night at midnight on G4 Video Game Television.