Mamma say mamma sa ma ma ku sa. What the hell is that? How did that get in my head? Useless storage. This is a place to get to know me? I dont even know me! I mean, aside from the fluff what else would you want to know? Its kinda like saying to someone, "Hey, how are ya?" and they say, "Oh not so good really, I have this planters wart located in the nether regions of my armpit and I'm going to the doctor to have it lanced off with a laser beam at 9:45 am tomorrow morning, its got a giant hair growing from it. Can I get a ride because my aunt Sophia isnt available shes having her poodle waxed and its really beginning to itch something fierce so would you mind just reaching in there and giving it a good scratch?" NO! Thats not what you wanted to hear is it? No. You want to hear, "fine and how are you?" YOu say "fine thanks very much..." and go about your merry way! I save all the good stuff like warts for those who actually write me back. I save the good stuff for my real friends who arent looking for computerized trists late at night. If we're friends you already know our love is like a scar. Its ugly but its permanent. QUICK NOTE:The phrase "friends with benefits" is sophisticated nonsense! I dont want to hear it. Let yourself be appreciated.~RECEIVE GIFTS LIKE A CHILD. Dont say, "Ah you shouldn't have." Unless of course its a pair of leg warmers or a fruit cake. Then go ahead. I like fruit cake myself. I dont know whats in it was a wise WOMAN who said, "you are what you eat." TODAY I'm thinking we all should be one big happy bowl of mixed nuts.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!