Martial arts: KARATE, taekwondo, kick boxing, SCUBA, Snow boarding, travelling the world, dancing and staying out till the sun rises. Reading. Writing short stories, photography.
Travellers & adventure seekers, people who aren't afraid to follow their dreams. Martial artist's that believe sweat, pain, and tears = fighting spirit. People I can visit on my world journeys. Old souls. People who arent afraid to dance on the beach. People who don't need to argue with everything I say but challenge me to think. Someone who can teach, but also takes the time to learn. And especially those who are not afraid to leave their comfort zone. But most of all God.
Hip Hop, Jungle, House, Trance, Reggae: anything that gets me dancing!
My favorite old school's are: Romeo & Juliette (yes the Leonardo version). The Doors, HEAT, God Father, SEVEN. Loved Fight Club, Harry Potter, Monsters Ball, Pirates of the Caribean, Meet the Parents, Hidalgo, and most Bill Murray flicks.
CSI, Law & Order, Simpsons, Nikita, Malcom in the Middle
I love Anne Rice: Pandora. The Alchemist, Tales of a Female Nomad. Best summer read: The BEACH. I like to read anything about escaping normal life) Currently reading: A million little pieces.
This is hard...Does Zena count? My mom: she is one tough cookie. Cleopatra. Papillon. Jet Li. Ill get back to you on this....