Ex-nihil profile picture


Giving birth is definitely murder

About Me

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EX-NIHIL could be described as a deconstructed death metal band with heavy technical melodies and imaginative structures...
But EX-NIHIL can also be seen through its biographical point of view, as a musical project that started during spring 2004, when Jeffrey (guitar player) and Geoffrey (ex-Crazy About Silence drummer) decided to bring together their effort in a sort of new deconstruction-oriented musical experience...
In December of the same year, after a period of hard work, Bruno, also known as Stake 's charismatic legend, accepted to join the duo with Frank (ex-Nemesis Irae bass player).
Together, they started to deconstruct their influences in a way to recompose new musical identities which would be free from undue bias. A new chapter of brutality started to take shape, EX-NIHIL was born as fresh blood rose from nothing. after several working month, we have found a second guitarist : Pierre a.k.a Pich. We have equally foreseen dates (in SHOWS sections) And we record a first demo in the course of the spring 2006. STAY TUNED
actual tracklist :
01. Giving birth is definitely murder
02. Silent hell
03. Another day in paradise (silent hell part II)
04. Silent heaven (silent hell part III)
05. Unmarked lives
06. Engendering fury
07. Shedding skin
08. Spiritual gangrene
09. Bond to the cross
10. The Neurotic Anthem (If you're fired fired fired, then i'm sick sick sick)

envoyé par Memn0n

My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2005
Band Website: ex-nihil.com
Band Members: Bruno : Growl and scream
Geoff : Drums
Frank : Bass
Jeff : Guitar/Shred
Pich : Guitar
Influences: Bruno : Skinless, Dying fetus, Misery index, All shall perish, Behemoth, Aborted, Obituary, Bolt thrower, Sick of it all, Municipal waste...
Geoff : Dying fetus, Arch enemy, Aborted, Machine head, Kreator, Pantera, Sepultura, Slayer, Irate, Hatebreed,...
Frank : Morbid angel, Napalm death, Dream theater, Cannibal corpse, Emperor, Carcass, Nile, Arkhon infaustus, Internecine, Hate eternal,...
Jeff : Dying fetus, Nile, Aborted, Machine head, Death, Pantera, Obituary, Morbid angel, Slayer, Napalm death,...
Pich : Strapping young lad, Fear factory, Meshuggah, Hate eternal, Metallica, Pantera, Morbid angel, Slayer, Death, Cynic,...
Sounds Like: Brutal death metal stuff... i don't know, check our influences.. or come to see us
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dead wish

Ex-nihil decides to quit, thanx to all our friends, bands and people who support us in many ways (and you know ...)We gonna play our last show for the year, so the very last one will be at the DNA in ...
Posted by Ex-nihil on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 04:03:00 PST

NEW CD soon

We're actually working on the new cd/mcd/demo/something, the following of the "A-nihil-ation" demo will be called "Ex-termination" .This cd will be distribued by Rotten to the core and out during sept...
Posted by Ex-nihil on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST


CHECK IT OUT THE NEW VIDEOCLIP OF EX-NIHIL (and the first one)THE NEUROTIC ANTHEMmade by DIMITRI (http://www.myspace.com/xmemnonx )
Posted by Ex-nihil on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:28:00 PST

new track "the neurotic anthem"

new track "the neurotic anthem" a new track is online, recorded at ... Jeff 's bedroom, it's funny how it's sounds mucho mucho better/brutal/pro/... than our demo, and it cost... nothin...
Posted by Ex-nihil on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:27:00 PST

Ex-nihil recording part 2

Ok i'll take times just to say, this demo was a waste of time and money, some dude screw the entire drums part... consequences : - one track removed- sounds like shit- money lost- 2 tracks can be list...
Posted by Ex-nihil on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 08:20:00 PST


We're gonna start recording our first demo "a-NIHIL-ation" at the end of July. We're so fucking excited to have something with a real sound, and to have something to make money, a lot of money !!! The...
Posted by Ex-nihil on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 11:27:00 PST