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About Me

My real first name is actually Madana Mohana (yes it rhymes), my name implies my parents hate me--as does the fact that they permed my hair in 3rd grade, i like it when people call me Maddey because i never had a nickname when i was younger and i want one before i get too old to have one, i hate it when people crack a Madonna joke cause it is really NEVER funny...I love my friends to death, strangers think i am either intimidating or shy but my real friends know i'm actually spastic and friendly, i'm easily amused and am really good at entertaining myself, i'm chill to be around and i'm generally lazy but i get my stuff done, i am a really anxious person(-- i've recently developed an eye twitch, i shake my leg incessantly while sitting and have been asked to stop my leg-shaking on numerous occasions by TAs, random old people, my mother, and friends alike), my feet are asymmetrical, i am filipino/italian, jewish, polish. i love anyone who believes in any cause, i don't believe in working out--just yet, i like to eat more than i like to drink, i can't chill at a bar for more than 2 hrs because i get hungry and grumpy when i can't eat, i've also been known to eat in my sleep. i hate people who claim to be your friends and offer to do you favors but when you accept the favor or ask for a favor they call you a user or a mooch. As much as i deny it my mom is my best friend and no one else is allowed to make fun of her or i'll secretly hate you, i'm a lover not a fighter, i laugh whenever i see someone get hit unexpectedly by a flying object or majorly eat it --i just really think it's the funniest thing in the world, maybe i'm a b*tch but seriously....on that note, in 4th grade there was an "I Hate Madana Club" with my two best friends as co-presidents-- my mom found out before I did, HA. i got caught cheating in 5th grade on a religion test by a notorious nun nicknamed "Sister Rambo." i hate it when people save insects claiming they haven't done anything, i curse their existence every day, bottom line is if youre a spider and we cross paths--i'll kill you.
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My Interests

english bulldogs and synthesizers rock my world

I'd like to meet:



ratatat, bloc party, walkmen, sigur ros, the fray, regina spektor, mike doughty, dilated peoples, atmosphere, unknown prophets, the shins, sufjan stevens, modest mouse, get up kids, morrissey, darkness, killers, bowie, the doors, new order, interpol, coldplay, zeppelin, the cure, the used, depeche mode, jurassic 5, postal service, red hot chili peppers, death cab for cutie, elliot smith, kanye west, e40, tupac, talib kweli, ben harper, something corporate, 311, radiohead, speechwriters LLC, oar, saves the day, weezer, missy elliott, john legend, damien rice, hot hot heat, alkaline trio, tom petty, van morrison, rolling stones, madonna, 80's music in general...


The Virgin Suicides, High Fidelity, Amelie, The Neverending Story, Back to the Future (I-III), Kill Bill, American Beauty, Shawshank Redemption, Empire Records, Office Space, When Harry Met Sally, X-Men movies, The Notebook, Garden State, Can't Buy Me Love, Ghost, Braveheart, Wedding Crashers, The Sixth Sense, American History X, the Karate Kid, Kindergarten Cop, Usual Suspects, Ocean's Eleven, Thomas Crown Affair


the office, entourage, family guy, grey's anatomy, house


arcadia, the giver, bridge to terabithia, perks of being a wallflower, catcher in the rye, bless me ultima, house on mango street, a heartbreaking work of staggering genius....


"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive" -Anaïs Nin

My Blog


TEN RULES TO LIVE AND LOVE BY-Kathy FrestonThere is potential for soul mate love all around us at every moment. It is a matter of recognizing the connection, sensing the "charge" of energy, and then c...
Posted by Madana on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:00:00 PST


Baz LuhrmannEverybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99... Wear Sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term be...
Posted by Madana on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:06:00 PST


When Chuck Norris goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Pat Choi......CHUCK NORRIS.......................PATRICK CHOI.....I think it's clear who the real hero is....
Posted by Madana on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 08:34:00 PST


When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours ina day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar........and the beer.A professor stood before his philosophy class and had som...
Posted by Madana on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 03:32:00 PST


Chuck Norris invented the C-section when he roundhouse kicked his way into the world.Chuck Norris' chest hair has chest hair.One time, Chuck Norris stubbed his toe, and destroyed the whole state of Oh...
Posted by Madana on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 01:58:00 PST