MySpace Dividers
MySpace Dividers
..........W E L C O M E ! Everyone to the myspace for all Scottish Michael Jackson Fans or fans who would like to be a part of the JACKSON TARTAN ARMY!This Myspace will promise to deliver everything you would expect from Michael Jackson fan site, but adding that scottish charm that only we scots can give...As true scots ourselves represnting Edinburgh and Glasgow , we want to also show our pride in our nation and will also include snippets of our country and some funky stuff to do with it that will either shock or inspire you !. By the end of it we expect you all to have that scottish slang in your system... and Moonwalking in your kilts !Featured we aim to bring you exclusive blog spots, exciting news ! public appearances, new music , new videos and already available now Exclusive Pics from Michaels Trips to Scotland along with 6 Brand New Galleries ! . . . . . . .We, the fans want to bring you something fresh but always keeping to the same philosophy. Our love for the King Of Pop. He truly has given us so much and its only right we give something and we hope with this mini site. Some of our devotion, loyalty and love shines through so that MJ knows , no matter what. We will always be standing by his side. . . . . . . .So sit back git yer Irn Bru in yer hawn and be prepared to come with us as we show what true fans of the King Of Pop are like.Michael Jackson. The Man. The Music. THE KINGThey may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FANDOM!
Queen Holly & King Joe - JTA Founders
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting