Kevin's unclearless profile picture

Kevin's unclearless

Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in theirs

About Me

...Isn't everything? lol, j/k I wrote this for my incredible Niece Bethany ('Secretly *ElSuyo*' on this page), and ironic that her middle name is Rose, cuz the day she was born it is as if the Sun 'Rose' in a way that will never set. So I hope she is not mad that I will share this, but it might explain a little more about me, as I open my heart to her because I love her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crazy being creative huh? BTW good call on 'Lily of the valley' as a favorite flower. I really like tulip's. I don't know why, it's weird being a straight man, but I just like em! lol! It's not weird being straight of course!! Just weird I like em!!! :0) I like weird thing's. I LOVE flower's, I like broken brick's on a old wall, I love seeing a child smile, I like the weird smell of cow crap on a farm (just cuz it is diff. and remind's me of my ((our)) grandpa Juan), I like that I have Christmas ornament's still up, just because my mom gave them to me, I like the pic you have up, cuz it show's diff color's in your hair, I like helping people, I like knowing I am not alone...even when I am, I like dimmer switches on light's, I like putting commas and not a period while typing this, I like bugs I know cant hurt me crawl on my hand, I like that I wash my hand's after I go pee, I like love and I know the difference, I like having my TV on with no sound, I like talking to old friend's even if they don’t, I like putting good friend's on the phone that don't know each other even if they don't want to, I like hummingbirds and butterflies, I like that I have sat on the top of a mountain in Alaska alone and did not think ONE thing...just sat in awe of God's art, I like that while living in a car I woke up to see a little bitty fawn just learning to walk in the snow and fog, I like that I walked on the beach of N. Padre island naked in so much fog no person could have seen me from 2 feet away...just feeling the waves wash over my feet, I like calenders with beautiful pictures on them, I like people who stand up for themselves, I like people who admit when they are wrong, I like the sound of a a refrigerator when I can't sleep, I like putting a cold pillow over my eyes if I did not sleep, I like knowing I was married to a women I loved, I like knowing I had a beautiful son because of it, I like knowing UFO's exist in one form or another, I like me, I like when my voice breaks while I am singing and I laugh and smile and keep going, I like the way the keys on a piano look, I like having a guitar in my hand with massive amps ready to be SUPER loud and not turning up the volume, I like turning up the volume on my guitar when it will be SUPER loud, I like the way snow sound's when it crunches under my shoes, I like being alive, I like old dead trees and wondering who sat there years ago, i like seeing ivy grow over a whole building, I like seeing a person blush, I like watching a beautiful girlfriend sleep before I go to bed, I like how small my son's fingernails were when he was a baby, I like a small glass of egg-nog once every couple of years, I like the beach, I like the diff in colors of trees in the fall, I like waterfalls, I like movies that touch my soul, I like that I could keep saying what I like forever, I like the thought of time travel, I like that I am good at a lot of things I like, I like old black and white pictures, I like knowing where I am from, I like other cultures, and I REALLY like any human that has read this!!!! I love my family, and I like that my crazy niece Bethany might have read these word's. I like that I feel like I have little sisters...and one as weird as me. ;0) I like all good thing's.I liked writing this!!!!Always,~Uncle Kevin~~Me~

My Interests

Music, camping (a fire near water a must), playing sports or watching live (not on T.V.), science, other people and cultures (Japan would rock), Motorcycles, most anything in/near water, prospecting (yes, for gold), writing stories/songs/screenplays, making short films/acting in them, aviation, learning everything I can, and laughing.

I'd like to meet:

Nice, funny, smart people. I guess I would have a beer with Kate Bekinsale, if I HAD to. lol.I want to meet people that feel like this kid on the inside, even when they are just sitting there quiet.


Almost all styles and types. Heavy= Rammstien, Rob Zombie and such, Country= so many. I am also in total love with old techno (strange as a musician, I have written very few tech song's, yet several industrial metal? Wierd, lol) I Have always been in love with ballad's that 'Work' for me anyway. I guess I have a strong heart with a BIG soft spot right in the middle? Whatever... I also like, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Prince, Boston, Jovi, Eminem, this would take all day, Just not into Polka and most Mariachi(nobody can be that happy all the time!) Check out Renee Olstead (daughter Lauren in sitcom 'Still standing' her voice is amazing!) KITTIE is a GREAT band,very sweet girl's, and at luch when I heard "Red chili and Tabasco." I thought it was hot in more ways than one! ;0)


Serendipity,The Patriot, The red violin, Powder, The family man, A.I., Forrest Gump, Thirteeth floor, The island,50 first dates, Naughtinghill...most romantic comedies( NOT chick flicks, I don't know Stella and could give a rat's ass how she got her groove back). Darkworld, Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, Blue streak, The Fountain, Legend, Too many...


Survivor man, Man VS. wild...both on Discovery channel. Yes, dear. Still standing. Scrubs.


The bible, anything by Zecharia Sitchen. The Bachman books. Various...


God, single parents, our troops, Kristina Marie, Hellen Keller, DeVinci, Tesla, Einstien, all KIND people, Family and friends.