Member Since: 7/4/2005
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Influences: A blur of indefinite energy, invisible not for transparency but for speed. An ecstatic dance dissolving the corrupted fabric of causality, invoking singularity, bleeding at the edges. Radiant spectral photon flux irradiating primal metabolism; resonant vibration within the primitive emotions inducing moiré visions of coherent light via sympathetic stimulation of the optic nerve. Labyrinthine mirrored corridors of abstraction sporadically lighted by fires of irrationality. Amplified homeostatic hum transmuted into an oscillating neurochemical ouroboros feeding a crescendo of standing wave drone through each molecular bond in the corporeal manifestation of collected nonconscious reality.
Sounds Like: "PU have crawled out of the psychedelic undergrowth and evolved into something special" - Edwin Pouncey ( Savage Pencil ), the Wire
"underworldy free-rock music... The Undermind is a kind of direct descendant of the big late ‘60s electronics-powered post-psychedelic ensembles such as Fifty Foot Hose, but much much better " - Julian Cope , Headheritage
"These aren't just burnouts playing loud, distorted psych. They're paranoid burnouts playing loud, distorted psych. Behold the swirling madness and tranquility" - Doug Kubert, Zeen
"more than enough gnarl to satisfy the goriest of heads" - David Keenan, the Wire
"the battle between structure and chaos is a real, levitating joy" - Dave Pearce , Ptolemaic Terrascope
"Primordial Undermind has been playing whatever the hell they've wanted since 1993" - Counter Clock, "What's worth paying for" Blog
"from streams of molten electric guitar sputtering geysers of fluid ectoplasm into the air, to high desert country influenced elements left to blister and bleach in the sun... so utterly gorgeous in places it's like a long view of paradise" - George Parsons, Dream Magazine
"Primordial Undermind attempt to bend their music away from plotted psychedelic explosions and towards free music" - John Mulvey, the Wire
"Unbelievably authentic psychedelia: put more reverb on the guitar and its Blue Cheer meeting Vanilla Fudge after a month in the desert." - John Darnielle , Last Plane to Jakarta
"Chunky, sprawling jazz-psych splatter that somehow congeals into a 4 headed dragon of tidal doom and breaks apart into a thousand shards of glistening starlight and reforms, back and forth all over again " - Lee Jackson, Womblife
"the best space rock improvisational band around." - Carlton Crutcher , Aural Innovations
Record Label: Strange Attractors, Emperor Jones, Camera Obscura
Type of Label: Indie