Closer, Now and Then, Finding Nemo, 300, What Lies Beneath, Where the Heart Is, Elizabethtown, Shrek, The Sound of Music, A Bronx Tale, Cruel Intentions, Hope Floats
law and order SVU, So You Think You Can Dance, Sex and the City
good reads = love ♥Distant View of a Minaret,The Snake Charmer,What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day,For One More Day
My mother and my aunt, for being the two biggest inspirations in my life, showing me what true strength and endurance is. I love you both with all that I am.
An Angel Here On Earth
Bianca, is 5 years old when she was 4 she was diagnosed with lukemia. It has been an emotional experience for my entire family but she is so strong and i know she will make it through the storm. I ask you to keep her in your prayers and thoughts. ♥
i heart my lil sisters