Amy Lee, the female vocalist of Evanescence. She has one of the most beautiful voices around.Sandra Bullock. She's got a great personality and I love her acting style, she's so uninhibited & unintimidated.Christopher Walken. 'Nuff said! The man's awesome!I've met Sting. Another great man! He's the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet and talk to.Wayne Gretsky!Reese Witherspoon - she is soo talented.Cameron Diaz, :) I met Phyllis George one day at an airport on Long Island. We were on the same plane. I talked to her and she was such a nice lady! She was Miss America in 1971.
MY ONE TRUE LOVE (Alison Kraus & Sting)
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The Night The Lights Went Out In Geogia Vicki LawrenceApocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Dirty Dozen, Million Dollar Baby
Discovery Channel; History Channel; King of Queens - They're such a cute couple!
The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra; Understanding Physics -Isaac Asimov; Stephen Hawking's books; High Treason; JFK -Conspiracy of Silence; We Can Teach You To Play Hockey - Phil & Tony Esposito; Moliere - Tartuffe; Kafka; Descent into Darkness - Commander Edward C. Raymer, USN(Ret.); Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
My mom & dad!