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wild texan

I am here for Friends

About Me

i am a nice guy that is an animal lover and a sports fan.my favorit sport is football.
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My Interests

Take the quiz:
What FORD Truck Model Are You ? ()( Pics !!)()

Ford F-250
You Love Power, perfect truck to pull your horse trailer with !!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

a person that is open minded is not scared to say what they are thinking.


I MISS MY FRIEND (Darryl Worley)

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Your eye ~amazing pics~
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i dont wach much telivision.


You are a true Southerner. You probably own more
than one Rebel flag. You believe, "If
the South woulda won, we'da had it
made." People might even call you a
Redneck or a hick. This doesn't mean you
aren't intelligent. You're just in touch with
your roots. You know who you are, and you
aren't ashamed to be from the South! This is
a positive thing. I'm proud of you.

Are you a true Southerner, an imposter, or a damn Yankee? (or does this even apply to you?)
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Your soul is vengeful.
That is the driving feeling you have in your
life right now. Someone fooled/betrayed you
really bad and now you are after them to make
them pay. Your heart and mind has been
blackened by your hate for this person and
it's on the line obsession. You need to let
go, but that is something you just are
incapable of doing. Betrayal is something you
don't take very lightly and you can easily
make new enemies. People often see you as a
cold and harsh person who may be in need of
anger management, but they don't know what
you're going through and can't understand. On
the bright side; you don't give up that easy
when you've decided to do something.
Hopefully you will have your revenge, if it
is within reason, and get your honour and
dignity back.

How is your soul? [pics]
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