I'd like to meet:
Steve Buscemi
Do Make Say Think, Le Tigre, Modest Mouse, Phillip Glass, Led Zepplin, Radiohead, Fucking Champs, Trans Am, Interpol, Pixies, King Crimson, Television, Roy Orbison, David Bowie, Minotaur Shock, Queen, Ween, Brian Eno, The Animals, Patsy Cline, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Cold War Kids, Outkast, Ella Fitzgerald, ELO, Velvet Underground, Neil Diamond, Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Magnetic Fields, RJD2, Danger Doom, Animal Collective, G n' R, and some other things too.
A Clockwork Orange, Tree's Lounge, Ganglehoff Sings, The Royal Tenenbaums, Memento, Vanilla Sky, The Game, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Deliverance, The Usual Suspects, Full Metal Jacket, Taxi Driver, Amadeus, Silence of the Lambs, Rocky, Fargo, Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, Thumbsucker
You. ..