The artist known as LC was born as Charles Loeb to Terrance and Bonnie Loeb Nov. 7th 1980 in Los Angeles Ca. Terrance a musician and song writer taught his son the basic fundamentals of music.
After his parents divorce the Family moved to Sacramento Ca. where LC attended Carson High and Grant Union High School where he would later graduate. During his school years He began singing at talent shows with a group called "True Harmony" The group originated from a youth group at Calvary Christian Center. soon after was born the Gospel group "C.a.y.a. Come As You Are"
A few years Later Charles became a member of a Rap and R&B group by the name of "Chocolate Thai" working with the RBL Posse Out of San Fransisco.
LC began singing at the age of 16 and when asked the question , "what made you start singing" he jokingly replied, The Girls.... they said it was sexy!" "but seriously I used to listen to all kinds of music as a child with my father, and it just kind of got to me. it was the feeling of hearing the perfect collaboration of vocals lyrics and instruments that I fell in love with"
Some of the influential artist for LC begin with but are not limited to Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Gladys Knight, Boys II Men, Usher, 112, Jagged Edge, Brian McKnight, Fred Hammond, Lauryn Hill, Be Be and Ce Ce Winans, the list goes on and on. But he Says "Stevie Wonder, He has to be My all time Favorite. The Man Makes Timeless Music"
LC describes his music as a mixture between R&B, Soul, Jazz and even Gospel. "My music Is a mixture of all the musics I grew Up on, from Hip Hop to R&B Rakim to RL, Nas to Natalie Cole" Now at his prime this sexy R&B artist is ready to take over the world with his smooth, melodic, sound.
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