If you can't tell, I'm an enthusiastic player of Bang! Howdy . And just in case you're really slow on the draw, my game name is Moses Ironhorse. I'm the Founder of the Wilde Joker Outlaws and my overall ranking is OUTLAW.
The Jokers are all about ranking and prestige. We'll be looking for players who want to make an impact on Bang! Howdy. So if you think that sound like something you'd like to be a part of, drop us a line Pardner!
My favorite Big Shot is a Cavalry I named Col. Walker. The Cavalry isn't the toughest Big Shot, but he's the fastest. On Land Grabs and Cattle Rustling he can be almost unstoppable, especially when I slip him a Hustle Card on respawn. And there have been many a time I've seen some choice words typed when I give him a well timed ½ Giddy Up Card. [INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE]
Sure, the Codger can reset your tick meter if he survives long enough to get a shot in (and that's a BIG IF), and the Tactician can kill almost anything that's lost even a little health with one shot (as long as someone didn't get him with a misfire card... bwahaha!), but if the map is wide open neither can touch a Cavalry!