aLitteration, buddhism, cunniLingus, duke, eLLington, fromundaMentaLism, gardening, humboLdt, introspection, juxtapositions, kitties, Love, metaphysics, narcissism, onomatopoeia, passion, quaLity, respect, surreaLism, traveL, unduLation, vices, words, xerography, yoga, zen...
down to mars,
passionate keepers of the fLame,
unafraid of Love and the wisdom of the stars...
uncut funk (the "which one is george cLinton" funk)
aka the ParLiA-FunkadeLic-Ment THANG, Fishbone, bad brains, ButthoLes, Mega Nutt, MiLes, Mingus, TheLonious, Nuttmegg Music, Roots Reggae, Sun Ra, Zappa...
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ALmodovar, barfLy, bLack comedies, bLaxpLoitation, bLazing saddLes, bLue veLvet, documentaries, doLemite, Eraserhead, reservoir dogs, round midnight, staight no chaser, sLeeper, sweet sweetback, 200 MoteLs, usuaL suspects, wiLLy wonka; David Lynch, Ed Wood, MeL Brooks, John Waters...
Late Nutt Snack, Letterman, Lucha Libre, arrested, aduLt swim, conan, curb, Mr. Show, NBA, simpsons...
bukowski, camus, Frederick Martin-DeL Campo, S. Suzuki, Hunter S. Thompson, Kerouac, orweLL, Theodore GeiseL...
my mom, Overton Loyd, Lonnie Marshall, George CLinton, Norwood Fisher, James Brown, sLy Stone, Frank Zappa, PauL Leary, EveL KnieveL, Tommy Chong, Lt. Ehren Watada; free thinkers and freedom fighters...