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About Me

I play a MEAN swordfishtrombone

Check out the website:

"If you would avoid tragedy, avoid love; if you cannot avoid love, avoid integrity; if you cannot avoid integrity, avoid the world; if you cannot avoid the world, destroy it" -Cavell
"You know that look in her eye a woman gets when she wants sex? Yeah me neither" Steve Martin

My Interests

Tiny, dancing, desktop, robots.

I'd like to meet:

Mechanical Tortoises, Saturn, Federico De La Fe... ...Comment Box...


Tom Waits, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, et al.


Angels in America, Back to the Future, A Clockwork Orange, Coffee And Cigarettes, Eternal Sunshine, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club, Finding Nemo, The Life Aquatic, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, The Incredibles, Meeting People is Easy, Pi, Pirates of the Caribbean, Requiem for a Dream, Richard III, Taxi Driver, Titus, Tron, The Works of Michele Gondry, Chris Cunningham, and Spike Jonze...these are the DVD's i own.


Kushner, Vonnegut, Bukowski, Palahniuk, Mamet, Irving, Fugard, Stoppard, Burroughs, Cavell, etc.


Stu....yes stu.

My Blog

30 Days.

We've been given 30 days on the house.I've got 30 days until "Hamlet: blood in the brain" goes upI need to apply to Steppenwolf to see if they want me and will take me in 30 days.I should look for a j...
Posted by matthew.alan on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 12:00:00 PST

Johnny Depp aka coolest person ever of all time.

So i just got home from seeing Pirates 2. (and screw you whoever didn't like it, it totally sucked my face off like that dead guy, but in an awesome way). So i get home, and dial in the good ole' imd...
Posted by matthew.alan on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 11:39:00 PST

What do Julie Taymor, Robert Wilson, a six hour ride in a jetta, and my parents have in common?

These are all things one would encounter should one choose to ride down to LA with me in late May to catch a theatrical double orgasm, that is the new opera and Maybe you don't get it yet...Lets tak...
Posted by matthew.alan on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 05:54:00 PST

Barbara Kruger says, "Don't be a jerk."

Barbara Kruger also says, "Its a small world, but not if you have to clean it" E.E. Cummings says, "To be nobody-but-yourself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you every...
Posted by matthew.alan on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 08:26:00 PST