An ice, cold bottle of Jäger. The re-kindling of my youth, (just 1988 for now). I am too proud and ABHORRE pity. nice combo eh?
Any self-loathing swashbuckler. Land Lords and Land Duchesses.
aol instant messenger: veggiegalactic
the vice of life. Trance, Drum & Bass, Merengue, Salsa—basically anything that involes me shaking my head, tap my feet, take me somewhere else, and doing "the percollator".
my life over cheesecake and a gun. The Witches, Kill Bill, Space Balls, History of the World, Spitrited Away, Lord of The Rings, Memento, Final Fantasy: Advent Children. So on and so forh
Internet T.V. is my new Vice. I've been catching up with Greys Anatomy, 24, Lost, Chapelle Show and THUNDERCATS!!
the lack of words creates a vaccum of innocence.
wile e. coyote. he never gave up despite endless failures. a masochist at heart.