J. E-mannh . Those of you who thinks I'm filipino, spanish(??), cambodian..umm yea, no. I'm indonesiannn peoples. Anywho, I lovee lovee my family and Jade(my dog). Seventeen years young. Seniors 'OH SEVEN' baby. WHOOOP WHOOOP! Currently working at the best coffee shop in the whole world, Starbucks . Love eating my indomie's, dressing up, chilllin with the gerlllls, and..bowl;P Yes, I bowl. It's cool alright? I have a boyfriend, his name is Supachai. Supa, Soup, Supa-Dupa.. whateverr you want to call him. Shopping, i likee =] The bestfriend, Selamawit Kinati Woyessa Ta'a; coolest chick i know. Have anyone ever told you how we met? I can be anywhere and as long as I have her with me, everything will turn out gravy. The "HLC" girls; I know them too well sometimes, those girls are always there whenever i needed anything, and i mean anything. And not forgetting the boyfriend, Mrr. Supachai-latte Papee;mi numero uno ass-buddy ♥ All smiles booties : )