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Vino Tinto!!!!

About Me

Hola me llamo Raoul Kawusu Conteh Smith. mi Madre es australiana, mi padre de Sierra Leona y yo nació en España en hospital yo de ciudad de Barcelona quiere a chicas, los persiguiendo los agarrando los jodiendo etc etc adoro también pornografía, las drogas de burdeles y partying que van rápido comiendo coño, el fútbol, la música que escucha y lo haciendo. Yo siempre pienso a mucho a menos que sea bebido o alto, es a veces las marcas altas peor. ¡Cuándo yo crezco quiero poseer mis propios clubes y bars, mí y mi chico Azza K yendo al equipo arriba. palabra!!!i like desolate places and cliffs........................... i hate negative people they drown me........................ i was born in spain ........................................ sport is good, so is pain and things that are hard i like being forced to earn what i get............................. i like sex and girls, girls are beautiful and sex feels good........................................................ . i like to drink, good vino good food and friends is a good time........................................................ i like the dark............................................."; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
!Olla! ?Ke pasa amigo?

My Interests

life, girls, music, girls, soccer, girls, laughing, girls, fun times, girls, the beach, girls, travel, girls


ATMOSPHERE, Brother Ali, Murs, Sage Francis, Cunniglinguists, The Roots, DJ Shadow, Aesop Rock, Modeselektor, cutting crew, Talib Kweli, Yungun, Mr Thing, Beastie Boys, Bloc Party, Maddona, Opeth, Gorillaz, N.W.A., Black Star, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Roots Manuva, The Herd, Hermitude, Wolfmother, Sibaleus, Danger Doom, Kanye West, Nitin Sawhney, MF DOOM, RJD2, Honeycut, Outkast, Felt, Ozomatli, Cut Copy, Time Machine, Pantera, The Shins, The Killers, Jehst, Gnarls Barkley, Faithless, Bob Marley, Tommy Emmanuel, Serina Ridder, The Presets, De La Soul, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, A Tribe Called Quest, DJ Marky, Rahzel, Shyheim, The Streets, Mob Deep, Audio Bullys, Sonic Animation, Leftfield, Daft punk, Propellerheads, Jack Johnson, Kid Kenobi, Beth Orton, The Waifs, Jeff Buckley, Morcheeba, Pete Murry, Nora Jones, Endorphin, Dirty Vegas, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Satie, Fear Factory, Soulfly, Slipknot, Godsmack, Dreadnaught, Maroon 5, Portisehead, Friendly, Apollo For Fourty, Skin, National Pornographic, Regurgitator, Billie Holiday, Blink 182, Eminem, Vast, Aphex Twin, Athlete, Caribou, H.I.M., DJ Signify, Non Prophets, Stone Roses, Prince, The Prodigy, Radiohead, DJ Format, The Whitlams.


requim for a dream, Borat, taladega nites the ballard of ricky bobby, zoolander, blood diamond, hotel rawanda, The 40 year Virgin, the Bring It ON trilogy, Children of Men,


scrubs, cowboy beebop, samuri chaploo, porn, family guy, ..arys, the chapell show, John Saffran vs God, bargearse, Monkey Majick, Full Metal Alchemist,


Lord of the Rings, The Alchemist, where did i come from?, any good story really and stuff about history,


My mum Sam "the brick" Wall a.k.a. Sam "The Rock" Wall Any one who can drink 16 vb cans and still win a fight Any one who can fight 16 blokes and not spill their beer

My Blog

Hola Raoul!

Hi, Raoul,Here I am again, just fresh back from my short holidays in the forests.I hope you enjoyed staying here & had a nice time & things went as you wished & will come back again & soon. Next time ...
Posted by BASK on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 10:43:00 PST

whats up pops

gonna meet my dad tomoro for the first time in eleven years. and im scared, i dont even realy know what he was like in his prime, i have a jumbled asortion of second hand stories from my mum and a few...
Posted by BASK on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:24:00 PST


just got back to sabadell and im prettymuch doing less than the average dead person one cause its hot and two i couldnt be arsed. last week i went down to la tomatina in buñol near valencia. tomatoes ...
Posted by BASK on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:06:00 PST

recovering from an autopsy

yesterday was my last day/nite in chattel and it was a pearla. me sam and scot went riding the swiss national downhill track agai, and the ride just to get there is as much fun as the track its self. ...
Posted by BASK on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:37:00 PST

i felt like a kid agian

i cant even put into words how majestic and impossing the scenery is in the alps this kind of nature demands ur respect while i was out with sam today if i wasnt banging down the steepest terrain ive ...
Posted by BASK on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:54:00 PST

reinventing my original ideas of adjectives

yo so i just got myself out of amsterdam and then hoped a train out of geneva along the lake to a small town at the foot of the mountains called Aigle just inside the swiss border looking around like ...
Posted by BASK on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:13:00 PST

off to see the "ROCK WALL",

so its my last day in amsterdam and im exited and sad at the same time ive met some of the best cru here : Frietz , Uri, Damien, Seven, Carlton and all the other cru from the devil it sucks to leave w...
Posted by BASK on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 08:26:00 PST

kicked my ass so bad i couldnt breathe and could bearly see!!

went to the rejiks meseum yesterday to get some culture into me and so i dont feel like a total dropout if all i do for the rest of the week is get smashed. it was pretty interesting but i honestly do...
Posted by BASK on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 07:13:00 PST

the condenced version

devo!! just realised the blog that i posted abou what i got up to in england aint there? couldnt be bothered writing it all so i'll give u the condenced version. mick and gillian my mums friends that ...
Posted by BASK on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST

look left befor you cross the road in holland there might be a tram coming!!

what an amazing place amsterdam is, the flight from england was spasticly short just over an hour. my mums friend dini met me at the air port and took me to this amazing jazz cafe called cafe Alto whe...
Posted by BASK on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 05:44:00 PST