*paNdA bEaRs+pigLEt* *suRFiNg D' nET* *gOINg oUt wiT fRIEnds* * wATcHIN mOVIes* *dance maniax* *maLL-hoPPiNg* *shopping* *clothes, kikay stuffs* *bAR hoPPiNg**sLeEp-oVeRs* *dANCiNg* *cArS* *raCinG* *chiLLing-out* *partYing* *driNkinG and Smoking(daW?)* meeTing new peEps especiaLLy nice Guys, haha.............
*kyan dOugLas of quEEr eyE *wade robson *bonnie baiLey *dj tiesTo *pAuL vaN dYk *jordi labanda *sam concepcion (OMG! he's such a cutie!) *jason brooks * tHose wHo Love 2 paRty, ChiLL, DriNk and gO Out n GmiKs... LyK mE!! **someOne sPciaL**
HALE(chaMpoi!!), teChno, euro-music, chiLL-oUt, hOUse MuSic, tRanCe, Drum'n'BaSS, brEakBeaT, r'n'B, pOp, untl i get over u, twisted, ur luv, darkbeat, luv n a run, in2 u, nvr liv u, no LettiNg gO**, dove, ever after**, deepest blue, .., and some opm stuffs..
mY saSSy girl, WindstRuck, iL mare, suMwer in tyM, i Am sAm [reaLLy makEs mE cRy...huhu;], LotR tRiLoGy, italian job, mAtriX, 2FaSt2FuRioUs, ocean's 11/12cRaFt, pRiNceSS diAriEs, bRing iT on 1 and 2, HoNeY, you got served, coyote ugly, centerstage, mouline rouge, phantom of the opera, harry potter, beauty and the beast( i lyk disney films), mi3, da vinci code, Kingkong :(
*cSi, aLiAs, mTv cRiBs N' pUnKed, PimP my RyD, riPLeY's N' fEAr fACtoR, gLoW, LOok foR LesS, dEsiGNeRs' cHaLLenGe, 5th WhiL, bLiNd D8, House, shows sa axn & etc + mAnY moRe (cOUch pOTatO kC aKo!!)
spooKsville series(christopher pike), bOy miTs giRl, pURposE dRiVen LiFe, LeiTHoLd, when god writes ur luv story, fve piPol u mit in hEaven, smaller and smaller circle, the alchemist...
power puff grls... esp buttercup kc i luk lyk her daw...;p