Ra-bitt profile picture


baby, what's that confused look on your face?

About Me

♥tiana's the name.
i love to drink, i love music, i love my art, i love me. and maybe i will love you.
y'never really know with these things, they tend to just appear, like a wall out of nowhere and you just walk into it and hit your head - it's happened.
i can be a very disgruntled person most of the time, but if i like you, then well, there's no problem really. i discovered the reason for most of my grouchyness lately is most likely from the fact that i quit smoking pot and just drannnnnkk like a mother fucker for like 3 months. but it's all good now. i got back to the green faery. i hate bullshit so if your the type of person with that, fuck off. unless i know you already, then it's all good cuse i can deal, maybe.
i'm a smoker, i'm a joker, i have two lovely sisters and a brother (betcha didn't know that one! yes..a brother)dance little stoner, drinker, lover, SUPERDUPER GROUCH yadda yadda. y'know all that crap.
if you wanna get to know me then add me and message me FIRST for fucks sake. no one ever considers how odd it seems when you add someone without knowing or actually saying something to them. fuck. i just don't get people sometimes.
i've been told plenty often large amounts of times that i'm crazy, or insane, or a little bit of both. but hey? tianas tiana. what can i say? if you don't love me now, you never really will. that's just how it works.
i'll usually end up drinkin' a forty or Colt 45 or lucky force. gahhh or anything handed to me :P haha. i'll drink anything if ya place it in my hand.
...DON'T RUN INTO WALLS. it doesn't look good to the on watchers!!
i love it when people draw pictures for me ♥ that's one of the greatest things you could ever do to make me happy. oh, and making the sun shine. that too.
VAN GOGH WAS A STONERr ♥ fuckin' rights.
i love the stars, and well, i never really got to see them till i moved here. grape delight. I LOVE CAKE AND LOVE. ♥ mm baby.
you know how to be a thief
but you stand up for society's cast-offs.
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My Interests

spur of the momments, reading, makin' art, smokin' pot, halloween, playin' guitar occationally, dancing when no ones looking, hanging out with good buddies, being warm, music ♥, writing (i have little books i always right everything in), DRINKING (i love to get drunk, anytime, anywhere), sitting at the fountain.

I'd like to meet:

there's no way i want you to be left behind.


ACDC, alexisonfire, the animals, anit-flag, april wine, as i lay dying, beasie boys, ben harper, billy idol, black eyed peas, bob dylan, bob marley, bright eyes, broken social scene, catch 22, CCR, chords, coldplay, cream, daft punk, dallas green, def leppard, dillinger escape plan, dropkick murpheys, dubliners, elton john, eric clapton, fall out boy, finch, five man electrical band, flogging molly, foo fighters, gravy train, great big sea, hot hot heat, ill scarlett, ima robot, irish drinking songs, it dies today, jack johnson, jamiroquai, janis jopin, jefferson airplane, jim croce, jimi hendrix, johnny cash, joni mitchell, k-os, led zeppelin, leftover crack, lynard skynard, mad caddies, moneen, neil young, NOFX, norma jean, panic! @ the disco, paul simon, peaches, pink floyd, placebo, radiohead, rezillos, rise against, sam roberts, scarling, smashing pumpkins, social distortion, steppenwolf, sublime, tenacious D, the adverts, the beatles, the blood brothers, the clash, the doobie brothers, the doors, the eagles, the grateful dead, the misfits, the most serene republic, the offspring, the ramones, the rolling stones, the sex pistols, the transplants. so much more..but laziness always seems to become an issue


lion king, almost famous, waking life, boondock saints, dazed and confused, hook, slc punx, clerks, a nightmare before christmas, the grinch, the great mouse detectives, hackers, amelie, edward scissorhands, rocky horror, star wars (all), gladiator, the breakfast club, fast times at richmond high, the banger sisters, catch me if you can, school of rock, queen of the damned, lock, stock and two smoking barrels, pulp fiction, mirrormask, goldirocks, garage days, he died with a falafel in his hand,


csi, simpsons, family guy, seinfeld, futurama, that 70s show, scrubs, how it's made, mythbusters, indie car races.


mix it up!


nothing is everything and everything is nothing.

My Blog


What killed the cat? oh by now you should know it was not the curiosity of the cat, hell no, but yes - that did bring in some influence towards its death. No, you know that it was its sheer stupidity....
Posted by Ra-bitt on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:48:00 PST