Music, motorcycles, hiking, camping, staring at the stars, and raising cattle...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Your only A statistic to me. Jk okay maybe.
Name:: Paulfonso
Age:: 19
Location (state):: Illinois
Lets start out with LOve::
Is REAL love indescribable?: Yes
Have you ever been in Love?: As long as I can remember
What feelings do you get when you know you love someone?: The same feeling that you get when you're frollicking in a meadow with butterflies and gophers popping up here and there.
Ever get sick to your stomach because you love someone so much?: No
Describe in 3-5 words what your description of Love is?: Unconditional devotion
Is love sometimes misunderstood for care?: I don't think so, but it maybe could
If you could make someone fall in love with you, who would it be?:
If Love was a potion what ingrediants would it compose of?: I don't know, but it would be purple pastel pretty!
Do you tend to enjoy the game of getting someone to love you back?: Game? what game?
What age were you when you had your first kiss?: 1 1/2
Is love worth dying for?: Absolutely
Is love worth losing everything you currently own?: Without a doubt
Is love always enough in a relationship?: If it is true love
What item you own do you Love the most? WHy?: My telephone, because I use it to talk to the one I love
Is the love for your pets same as the love for your family?: No, pets can't love you back and understand you
A food you LoVe?: Lasagna
Someone you love for making life so much easier?: My mother
Would life be better or easier if we were all emotionless?: No
Is black the never ending color of hate?: No
A law you hate?: Concealled carry bans
Someone that makes you sick?: Barney
A food you HATE!!?: Eggplant
Do you sometimes hate the ones you love the most?: No, that is rediculous
The argument you hated having the most!!?: I don't know, probably most of them
Something about life that you hate?: Decision making
A movie you hate?: Scary movie 4
A band you wish would just SHUT UP?: Justin Timberlake
A vegetable you hate?: Eggplant
Something a family member gives you on the holidays that you hate?: We don't do Christmas
A word you despise?: It rhymes with duck
Soemthing your bf/gf does that drives you crazy?: She insists that poem is pronounced po-em, whenever I pronounce it as if it pome
Something a family member does, that drives you crazy?: Seth always uses almost all of the hot water when he takes his shower, leaving me with a cold shower or no shower at all
Special Events in your life!!
The happiest moment of your life?: Last sunday evening
The funniest thing that happened to you with your friends?: Well, there was the time that Dr. Seth gave Byron implants
The nicest thing someone has ever said to you?: "You're so sweet"
A school day that actually went well:: What happened?: The usual
The best date youve been on? describe it::: Since when do I go on dates?
Your best/funnest birthday? What happened?: My 19th, Trisha made me cheesecake.... yum!
The best gift someone has ever given you?: Love
A time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? what happened?: I don't remember what happened, but I started laughing and peed my pants (only a little)
One of the best memories you have of a loved one?: Riding on the tractor with my dad as a little kid
Best vacation with family::?: Thanksgiving break last year w/Benji
The Nasty Tards
Do you get migranes?: No
Do you get acne?: Probably, I don't know
Ever been pregnant when you didnt want to be?: Yes
Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?: No
Ever accidently caught something on fire in your home?: Yeah, lots of times
Has a pet ever ran away? did you find them?: Yes, but I've never found them, they usually come back on their own.
Ever watched a loved one die before your eyes?: No
Ever had a parent walk in on you and your someone doing something naughty?: No
Your most embarassing moment?: Do you want to shake my hand?
Have you ever fell down the stairs?: Not for at least 2 weeks
Ran into a see through door?: No, I saw it first
Slipped on wet floor?: If the ground counts as a floor, yes
Ever found soemthing disgusting in your fast food?: Yes, huge gobs of grease
Have you ever been diagnosed with something horrible?: No, but I have "siezures" now and then
Accidently slipped gas in public?: Yeah, but only once did it make an entire garage uninhabitable
Your Absolute Bests!
Meal youve ever made?: Scrambled eggs w/cheese
Thing you have made for someone?: Cheesecake
Thing youve done for someone?: Ate their cookies for them since they were on a diet
Action made to help someone?: I picked up a couple of senior citizens hitchhiking to town in WV
Advice youve given someone?: Don't conform to pop culture's mold
Advice youve recieved?: Don't wear that in public?
Picture youve drawn?: The stick figure masterpiece of a young couple frollicking in a field of flowers with butterflies and gophers popping up on the side of my car
Poem youve written?: I'm an artist, not a poet
Eassay youve written?: Hired Man, Good Friend
Time youve ever spent with anyone?: Every second I've spent with those that I love
Party youve ever been to?: New years 2006 (I got to eat all of the cookies)
Voicemail message youve had?: Probably the one that told me where to go that I didn't get until the next day
Phone conversation youve had?: I don't know, but it was at least 3 hours
Point youve prooven?: My basement is under my house!
Sport you played?: Basketball
Lets get phsyical*
Your best phsyical feature is:?: My buns of steel
A creative word to describe the color of your eyes is?: Transluscent
Your hairs description::: Suave
What are you most self concious about on your body?: My big yellow teeth with gaps so large that I can use my fingers instead of a toothpick
What do you like the most about your body?: It is extremely useful for lifting things
What animal do you look most like?: A porcupine
What have you been made fun of for?: Having only one sideburn
Lets get REAL phsyical!
Would you ever consider sleeping with a celebrity?: No
Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?: No
Would you consider a one night stand?: No, but I do have one night stand beside my bed
Are you straight, gay or bisexual?: You'll just have to guess
Are you a virgin?: Yes
If you have had sex, where was the craziest/sillest place youve done it?: N/A
If your a virgin where do you want your first time to be?: Location doesn't matter
Should sex be all about emotion and passion?: No, logical reasoning should still apply
Does the person have to LOve you for you to get in their pants?: Yes (refer to the next question)
Sex only after marriage?: Absolutely
Fasntasys/ fetishes/something romantic involving sex you wish for?: I avoid wishing for such things
(()))(((()))))()))()) (( How ManY ))(()()()()()(((())))
Cookies could you eat at once?: 25
Pickles have you eaten at once?: 25-30
Times do you clean your room a year?: 6
Times do you pee during the night?: 1/10
Times a week it is nesscary to clean the house?:
You bathe your pets in a year?: 2-6
You brush your teeth a day?: 2-3
Meals you eat a day?: 3
Approximate pounds of chocolate youve consumed in your life?: 40
Classes have you failed?: 0
Times do you cry a week?: 1/4
Jeans that you own?: 8
Money in your wallet?: $50
Birthmarks do you have?: None that I know of
Times have you dyed your hair?: 0
Years you wish you could go back in time?: 0
Hours of Tv do you watch a day?: I don't watch TV, I have a life
Times do you watch the news a week?: I don't watch the news, I am the news
Sodas do you consume in a day?: I drink milk, water and fruit juice, therefore I don't drink soda
Sheep do you want on your farm?: Just enough to make Trisha happy
Pets do you have?: 12 unless cows count, in which case I have about 80
Do you belive in: (or support)
Ghosts?: Depends on what you mean by ghosts
Aliens?: If they land here illegally
Sex without emotional attachment?: No
Abortion?: No
Our president?: I believe that he is the leader of our national government
Superstitions?: Yes, many people have superstitions
Botox?: It certainly does exist
Plastic surgery?: If you're talking about fixing broken toys, then yes
Politics?: Sure, why not?
Religion?: Yes
The bible?: Yes
Yourself?: Other people do, so they must be onto something
Marriage?: Yes
Divorce?: I believe that it is wrong, because it means that a promise has been broken
IF IF IF..........
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?: Barney
What would you accomplish as this person?: I would retire and ban the showing of all reruns of my show
If you could have any car you wanted, what would it be?: My old red rabbit
If you could live anywhere where would it be?: In a cave in the mountains
If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?: I like the age I am now.
If you were a fruit youd be...: A banana
If you met an alien hed look like...: Jamie Farr
If you could change something about yourself it would be...: I would grow huge Amish beard
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?: Lasagna, Ice Cream and a pogo stick
If you could give anything to the one you loved, what would it be?: A huge bear-hug
If you become an animal of your choice after death, what animal would u be?: A kitty
If you could buy any company you wanted, what would it be?: Wal-Mart, so that I could close them all
If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?: Ran when parked, needs TLC
#Which one are you?#
You make the first moves, OR your makes the first moves?: I do
You are a city OR country person?: Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o
You think more with Passion OR Logic?: Logic
You eat more Chinese OR Mexican?: Mexican
Youd rather go to Disney world OR Universal studios?: A walk in the park
Youd rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?: With them
Youd rather drink Milk OR juice?: Milk and juice mixed together are the best
Youd rather go ona blind date or a date with someone youve known forever?: Well, I've never been on a blind date, but it can't be better than going on a date with the one I've known forever
Your a Cat OR dog person?: Cats are soo much better than dogs
Smoothies OR Milkshakes?: Both
Youd rather be a Snake OR a turtle?: Turtle
Youd rather watch OR play sports?: Play
Shy OR outgoing?: Shy
Night Owl OR Day Bird?: Night Bird
Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?: Apple pie
Comedy OR Romance Films?: Depends
Commited relationships OR Free as a Bird?: Committed relationships
Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?: Almost anything is better than Disco
Conservative OR Wild Party Animal?: Conservative Party Animal
Do you like your mate to be skinny winnie or have alittle chunk?: I really don't care as long as she is fit.
Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?: Porcupine
My very favorite*~
Type of food:: Tie between meatloaf and lasagna
Font:: Green
Color:: Pink
Animal:: Cow
Place to be:: With you
Kiss:: My first
Beatle::: Ladybird
Topic/subject to study::: Math
Celebrity::: Benjai
Channel to watch::: TVU
Tv show::: TVU's Ten Most Wanted
Type of mUSic::: Christian Rock
Can you....
Put your legs behind your head?: When pigs have wings
Do calculus problems?: Every day
Eat gross foods for money?: I do that for free sometimes
Beat someone up?: If I had to
SWim long distances?: No, unless down counts
Wrestle alligators?: Only when I'm swimming
Return a million dollars of you randomly found it?: If it were possible to find it's rightful owner
Eat raw fish?: If I were starving and had no way to cook it
Love someone unconditionally?: Yes
Laugh at yourself?: Every time I look in the mirror
Lick your elbow?: No
Watch Sept 11th or Hurricane disaster storys without crying?: Yes
Have a nice day!
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
I love music! I like a wide variety of genres but punk, emo, and alternative are my favorites. I also am a huge fan of local and indie bands.
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: Relient K
Are you male or female:: From End to End
Describe yourself:: Who I am Hates Who I've Been
How do some people feel about you:: The Rest is up to You
How do you feel about yourself:: More Than Useless
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Maybe It's Maybeline
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: The One I'm Waiting For
Describe where you want to be:: Breakfast at Timpani's
Describe what you want to be:: The Pirates Who Don't do Anything
Describe how you live:: I Celebrate the Day
Describe how you love:: These Words Are Not Enough
Share a few words of wisdom: A Penny Loafer Saved is a Penny Loafer Earned
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
I don't watch very many movies, but here are my favorites. Shrek, Walk the Line , Tommy Boy, Shrek 2, Shanghai Noon, and What About Bob.
I watch music videos on TVU and M*A*S*H reruns when I have time to watch TV, which is basically never.
I don't have much time to read anymore, but here is a list of good books I've read. Crime and Punishment, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, Roots, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Hobbit, which is a very cute book. Yes, I did actually say cute, but there is no better word to describe this book. I also love any books about Paddinington the bear!
Jesus, my parents