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About Me

I'm a farmer who raises cattle and moonlights as a diesel mechanic and carpenter, who is a junior in college. I'm studying to be a high school math teacher, though I plan to remain at least a part-time farmer.

My Interests

Music, motorcycles, hiking, camping, staring at the stars, and raising cattle...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Your only A statistic to me. Jk okay maybe.
Name:: Paulfonso
Age:: 19
Location (state):: Illinois
Lets start out with LOve::
Is REAL love indescribable?: Yes
Have you ever been in Love?: As long as I can remember
What feelings do you get when you know you love someone?: The same feeling that you get when you're frollicking in a meadow with butterflies and gophers popping up here and there.
Ever get sick to your stomach because you love someone so much?: No
Describe in 3-5 words what your description of Love is?: Unconditional devotion
Is love sometimes misunderstood for care?: I don't think so, but it maybe could
If you could make someone fall in love with you, who would it be?:
If Love was a potion what ingrediants would it compose of?: I don't know, but it would be purple pastel pretty!
Do you tend to enjoy the game of getting someone to love you back?: Game? what game?
What age were you when you had your first kiss?: 1 1/2
Is love worth dying for?: Absolutely
Is love worth losing everything you currently own?: Without a doubt
Is love always enough in a relationship?: If it is true love
What item you own do you Love the most? WHy?: My telephone, because I use it to talk to the one I love
Is the love for your pets same as the love for your family?: No, pets can't love you back and understand you
A food you LoVe?: Lasagna
Someone you love for making life so much easier?: My mother
Would life be better or easier if we were all emotionless?: No
Is black the never ending color of hate?: No
A law you hate?: Concealled carry bans
Someone that makes you sick?: Barney
A food you HATE!!?: Eggplant
Do you sometimes hate the ones you love the most?: No, that is rediculous
The argument you hated having the most!!?: I don't know, probably most of them
Something about life that you hate?: Decision making
A movie you hate?: Scary movie 4
A band you wish would just SHUT UP?: Justin Timberlake
A vegetable you hate?: Eggplant
Something a family member gives you on the holidays that you hate?: We don't do Christmas
A word you despise?: It rhymes with duck
Soemthing your bf/gf does that drives you crazy?: She insists that poem is pronounced po-em, whenever I pronounce it as if it pome
Something a family member does, that drives you crazy?: Seth always uses almost all of the hot water when he takes his shower, leaving me with a cold shower or no shower at all
Special Events in your life!!
The happiest moment of your life?: Last sunday evening
The funniest thing that happened to you with your friends?: Well, there was the time that Dr. Seth gave Byron implants
The nicest thing someone has ever said to you?: "You're so sweet"
A school day that actually went well:: What happened?: The usual
The best date youve been on? describe it::: Since when do I go on dates?
Your best/funnest birthday? What happened?: My 19th, Trisha made me cheesecake.... yum!
The best gift someone has ever given you?: Love
A time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? what happened?: I don't remember what happened, but I started laughing and peed my pants (only a little)
One of the best memories you have of a loved one?: Riding on the tractor with my dad as a little kid
Best vacation with family::?: Thanksgiving break last year w/Benji
The Nasty Tards
Do you get migranes?: No
Do you get acne?: Probably, I don't know
Ever been pregnant when you didnt want to be?: Yes
Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?: No
Ever accidently caught something on fire in your home?: Yeah, lots of times
Has a pet ever ran away? did you find them?: Yes, but I've never found them, they usually come back on their own.
Ever watched a loved one die before your eyes?: No
Ever had a parent walk in on you and your someone doing something naughty?: No
Your most embarassing moment?: Do you want to shake my hand?
Have you ever fell down the stairs?: Not for at least 2 weeks
Ran into a see through door?: No, I saw it first
Slipped on wet floor?: If the ground counts as a floor, yes
Ever found soemthing disgusting in your fast food?: Yes, huge gobs of grease
Have you ever been diagnosed with something horrible?: No, but I have "siezures" now and then
Accidently slipped gas in public?: Yeah, but only once did it make an entire garage uninhabitable
Your Absolute Bests!
Meal youve ever made?: Scrambled eggs w/cheese
Thing you have made for someone?: Cheesecake
Thing youve done for someone?: Ate their cookies for them since they were on a diet
Action made to help someone?: I picked up a couple of senior citizens hitchhiking to town in WV
Advice youve given someone?: Don't conform to pop culture's mold
Advice youve recieved?: Don't wear that in public?
Picture youve drawn?: The stick figure masterpiece of a young couple frollicking in a field of flowers with butterflies and gophers popping up on the side of my car
Poem youve written?: I'm an artist, not a poet
Eassay youve written?: Hired Man, Good Friend
Time youve ever spent with anyone?: Every second I've spent with those that I love
Party youve ever been to?: New years 2006 (I got to eat all of the cookies)
Voicemail message youve had?: Probably the one that told me where to go that I didn't get until the next day
Phone conversation youve had?: I don't know, but it was at least 3 hours
Point youve prooven?: My basement is under my house!
Sport you played?: Basketball
Lets get phsyical*
Your best phsyical feature is:?: My buns of steel
A creative word to describe the color of your eyes is?: Transluscent
Your hairs description::: Suave
What are you most self concious about on your body?: My big yellow teeth with gaps so large that I can use my fingers instead of a toothpick
What do you like the most about your body?: It is extremely useful for lifting things
What animal do you look most like?: A porcupine
What have you been made fun of for?: Having only one sideburn
Lets get REAL phsyical!
Would you ever consider sleeping with a celebrity?: No
Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?: No
Would you consider a one night stand?: No, but I do have one night stand beside my bed
Are you straight, gay or bisexual?: You'll just have to guess
Are you a virgin?: Yes
If you have had sex, where was the craziest/sillest place youve done it?: N/A
If your a virgin where do you want your first time to be?: Location doesn't matter
Should sex be all about emotion and passion?: No, logical reasoning should still apply
Does the person have to LOve you for you to get in their pants?: Yes (refer to the next question)
Sex only after marriage?: Absolutely
Fasntasys/ fetishes/something romantic involving sex you wish for?: I avoid wishing for such things
(()))(((()))))()))()) (( How ManY ))(()()()()()(((())))
Cookies could you eat at once?: 25
Pickles have you eaten at once?: 25-30
Times do you clean your room a year?: 6
Times do you pee during the night?: 1/10
Times a week it is nesscary to clean the house?:
You bathe your pets in a year?: 2-6
You brush your teeth a day?: 2-3
Meals you eat a day?: 3
Approximate pounds of chocolate youve consumed in your life?: 40
Classes have you failed?: 0
Times do you cry a week?: 1/4
Jeans that you own?: 8
Money in your wallet?: $50
Birthmarks do you have?: None that I know of
Times have you dyed your hair?: 0
Years you wish you could go back in time?: 0
Hours of Tv do you watch a day?: I don't watch TV, I have a life
Times do you watch the news a week?: I don't watch the news, I am the news
Sodas do you consume in a day?: I drink milk, water and fruit juice, therefore I don't drink soda
Sheep do you want on your farm?: Just enough to make Trisha happy
Pets do you have?: 12 unless cows count, in which case I have about 80
Do you belive in: (or support)
Ghosts?: Depends on what you mean by ghosts
Aliens?: If they land here illegally
Sex without emotional attachment?: No
Abortion?: No
Our president?: I believe that he is the leader of our national government
Superstitions?: Yes, many people have superstitions
Botox?: It certainly does exist
Plastic surgery?: If you're talking about fixing broken toys, then yes
Politics?: Sure, why not?
Religion?: Yes
The bible?: Yes
Yourself?: Other people do, so they must be onto something
Marriage?: Yes
Divorce?: I believe that it is wrong, because it means that a promise has been broken
IF IF IF..........
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?: Barney
What would you accomplish as this person?: I would retire and ban the showing of all reruns of my show
If you could have any car you wanted, what would it be?: My old red rabbit
If you could live anywhere where would it be?: In a cave in the mountains
If you could go back to any age, what age would it be?: I like the age I am now.
If you were a fruit youd be...: A banana
If you met an alien hed look like...: Jamie Farr
If you could change something about yourself it would be...: I would grow huge Amish beard
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?: Lasagna, Ice Cream and a pogo stick
If you could give anything to the one you loved, what would it be?: A huge bear-hug
If you become an animal of your choice after death, what animal would u be?: A kitty
If you could buy any company you wanted, what would it be?: Wal-Mart, so that I could close them all
If you were up for sale, your ad description would say?: Ran when parked, needs TLC
#Which one are you?#
You make the first moves, OR your makes the first moves?: I do
You are a city OR country person?: Old McDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o
You think more with Passion OR Logic?: Logic
You eat more Chinese OR Mexican?: Mexican
Youd rather go to Disney world OR Universal studios?: A walk in the park
Youd rather die with your love by your side, OR without them?: With them
Youd rather drink Milk OR juice?: Milk and juice mixed together are the best
Youd rather go ona blind date or a date with someone youve known forever?: Well, I've never been on a blind date, but it can't be better than going on a date with the one I've known forever
Your a Cat OR dog person?: Cats are soo much better than dogs
Smoothies OR Milkshakes?: Both
Youd rather be a Snake OR a turtle?: Turtle
Youd rather watch OR play sports?: Play
Shy OR outgoing?: Shy
Night Owl OR Day Bird?: Night Bird
Chocolate Cake OR Apple Pie?: Apple pie
Comedy OR Romance Films?: Depends
Commited relationships OR Free as a Bird?: Committed relationships
Alternative rock OR 70s Disco Music?: Almost anything is better than Disco
Conservative OR Wild Party Animal?: Conservative Party Animal
Do you like your mate to be skinny winnie or have alittle chunk?: I really don't care as long as she is fit.
Rather get quilled by a porqupine OR stung by a jelly fish?: Porcupine
My very favorite*~
Type of food:: Tie between meatloaf and lasagna
Font:: Green
Color:: Pink
Animal:: Cow
Place to be:: With you
Kiss:: My first
Beatle::: Ladybird
Topic/subject to study::: Math
Celebrity::: Benjai
Channel to watch::: TVU
Tv show::: TVU's Ten Most Wanted
Type of mUSic::: Christian Rock
Can you....
Put your legs behind your head?: When pigs have wings
Do calculus problems?: Every day
Eat gross foods for money?: I do that for free sometimes
Beat someone up?: If I had to
SWim long distances?: No, unless down counts
Wrestle alligators?: Only when I'm swimming
Return a million dollars of you randomly found it?: If it were possible to find it's rightful owner
Eat raw fish?: If I were starving and had no way to cook it
Love someone unconditionally?: Yes
Laugh at yourself?: Every time I look in the mirror
Lick your elbow?: No
Watch Sept 11th or Hurricane disaster storys without crying?: Yes
Have a nice day!
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I love music! I like a wide variety of genres but punk, emo, and alternative are my favorites. I also am a huge fan of local and indie bands.
Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band
Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: Relient K
Are you male or female:: From End to End
Describe yourself:: Who I am Hates Who I've Been
How do some people feel about you:: The Rest is up to You
How do you feel about yourself:: More Than Useless
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Maybe It's Maybeline
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: The One I'm Waiting For
Describe where you want to be:: Breakfast at Timpani's
Describe what you want to be:: The Pirates Who Don't do Anything
Describe how you live:: I Celebrate the Day
Describe how you love:: These Words Are Not Enough
Share a few words of wisdom: A Penny Loafer Saved is a Penny Loafer Earned
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I don't watch very many movies, but here are my favorites. Shrek, Walk the Line , Tommy Boy, Shrek 2, Shanghai Noon, and What About Bob.


I watch music videos on TVU and M*A*S*H reruns when I have time to watch TV, which is basically never.


I don't have much time to read anymore, but here is a list of good books I've read. Crime and Punishment, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, Roots, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Hobbit, which is a very cute book. Yes, I did actually say cute, but there is no better word to describe this book. I also love any books about Paddinington the bear!


Jesus, my parents

My Blog

Guess why I wrote this!

My Delicious, my beloved, a pumpkinette thou art to me.  Thy hair is as tender as moist spaghetti seasoned with the most pleasant of spices.  Thy lips are like slices of juicy red tomato, su...
Posted by Paul on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:46:00 PST