Mostly... I resist and do what I got to do to survive, but the world forces you to comply and die a lil' sometimes. I keep it moving because they say, "it's harder to hit a moving target." So, before my time runs out, I want to see of the world as much as possible and love my Brotha's and Sista's every day from the roots of the soul without prejudice to the color of skin, OR content of character. (And you know, it's always good to see and re-meet my "en-lightened travela's"). Hate me if ya want... I'm never hate'n a hustle. It's a waste of my time. but I strongly believe that the hustle to survive can be achieved without compromise of another soul's demise. I am... JaJa Kwabene Kenyatta and live my life to the fullest with each step and each breath. And in return, I hope for (not more) but just a lil less. Because You can't always expect a righteous man to know righteousness... and a wicked man to know wickedness... I just try to see beauty and art in every aspect of life's BIG little mess.
My Third(((0)))Green Eye Open... (Always)!!!When identification shifts from a particular body... To the totality of all being, the SouL realizes itself as pure limitless conciousness. This shift in identification is called self realization. In this realization, not only do you find that Love is all there is, but you also discover that this Love is who YOU are...AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!To All: DarkBloom Disciples...I HAVE ALSO PLAYED BASS FOR MANY ARTISTS' such as: Robert Townsend's Family Network Channel Show "Spoken", Jessica Care Moore, Doria Roberts, Ryan Waters, Sean DarkBloom, Dres tha Beatnik's "Mic Club", the infamous Bone Crusher, and many...many more. Currently I play Bass For BellCurve. (However, this show is: Maddam CJ),
U Don't Know (Live)@ Atlantis Music Conference 2006
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