"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy Frequency and Vibration" (Nikola Tesla) â€Think in terms of Energy,Vibration,Frequency and Information and discover that today's medical sciences use exclusively medication (chemical drugs that pollute our food,body and alter our DNA) as a material vector of energy and information to control psychosomatic disorders.. "Is it too radical to suggest that the body and the mind can be affected directly by energy as a vector of therapeutic information in the same way in which our brain uses impulses to control all physiological parameters: fever,blood pressure,sugar level,pain,anxiety,depression,insomnia?"(Mirahorian)
This site is about ancient and future medical science that will use the conversion of resonant impulses of electromagnetic energy (light,electric and magnetic impulses),similar to those impulses generated by our own brain into the vital Healing Energy (Qi,Chi,Ki,Orgone;M-Field,Torsion field); a site about revolutionary therapeutic devices for DNA Repair,Regeneration and treatment using projection of Healing Energy to control all the psychosomatic functions;QI (CHI;KI) GENERATOR OF RESONANT IMPULSES-A breakthrough in Medical Science and Technology of Advanced Civilizations for the treatment of the gross and subtle disorders of the material,energy and information bodies;Its Applications:Healing,Anesthesia, Sleep induction,Weight Loss,Longevity,Indefinite Life Prolonging,Regeneration,DNA Repair,Beauty Care & Cosmetics,Growth control of tissues-Breast increase,Extension of Sensory Inputs (Seeing in other frequency domains,Energy Drugs,Orgasm;Intoxication;Pleasure activation);Technological Synchronization for Awakening,Centering,Alignment,Mind Control,Programming,Superlearning, Memory extension,Supernatural Powers (Defensive field, Invulnerability,Invisibility, Levitation,Telepathic synchronization, Space-Time Travel,Teleportation, Fire Walking, Memory activation to explore the Past Lives,Remote Viewing,OBE,NDE),using available short video clips for illustration (Qigong;Qi Projection;prana projection);you can discover these subjects on:
The Law of Five Movements[Elements,Wu Xing] is a projection of The Six Levels
Please see more on my web pages: PSI SCIENCES: http://www.psi-sciences.com SITE MIRAHORIAN: http://www.danmirahorian.ro QI MAGEN SITE: http://www.danmirahorian.com Graal Star: http://360.yahoo.com/graalstar Qi Magen : http://360.yahoo.com/QIMAGEN Invest your money so to fulfill God's wish: “What God wants is that you should make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others. And you can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other wayâ€.
Money can work for us only if we will invest them in the fields that will expand tremondously in the next future:
1 alternative non-polluting energy sources;
2.gradual replacement of chemical treatment that pollute our water,soil,plants,food and alter the genom of all living beings on Earth
Banii pot lucra pt noi si nu impotriva noastra doar daca ii investim , ca fiinte constiente si responsabile, in ceva ce va lua o amploare fara precedent in viitor....pt. asta trebuie sa fim informati…sa cunoastem tendintele…sa fim constienti ca si alti oamenii responsabili de pe Terra vor lua doua decizii: 1.eliminarea surselor poluante de energie si trecerea la surse alternative; 2.inlocuirea treptata a industriei chimico-farmaceutice care polueaza..contamineaza:apa,solul,alimentele si altereaza genomul speciilor vii de pe Terra Campania publicitara pt farmaciile din Bucuresti â€Sa fiti sanatosiâ€este desigur o gluma sinistra fiindca o industrie chimico-farmaceutica care polueaza si contamineaza nu lasa nici o sansa de viata clientilor captivi (dresati sa apeleze din reflex pavlovian doar la substante chimice pt a se vindeca) . Drugs - Pills Apa de baut( e conservata si tratata folosind substante nocive),plantele(sunt contaminate sistematic folosind substante impotriva daunatorilor de tot felul),solul(flora naturala din sol e alterata de specii transgenetice,de ingrasaminte si defoliante) si mierea(e contaminata cu substante anti micotice..),laptele,carnea animalelor(tratate cu antibiotice), medicamentele de tot felul altereaza si distrug ADN-ul nostru si al copiilor nostrii(efectul teratogen e cauza preocuparii actuale in repararea ADN);o industrie care produce medicamente tot mai ineficiente in lupta cu tulpinile microbiene tot mai rezistente si substante tot mai nocive si fara valoare terapeutica in combaterea proliferarii infravirusurilor(doar repararea ADN lasa virusurile mutante fara posibilitate de multiplicare in celulele gazda).... -Solutia ET: Creierul omului este un generator de impulsuri terapeutice,care comanda scaderea sau cresterea temperaturii,glicemiei,tensiunii,arteriale,regenerarii,intin eririi(imbatranirii).Mirahorian a creat “creiere artificiale†care genereaza impulsuri terapeutice(GRAAL STAR,QIMAGEN) atunci cand mobilizarea resurselor proprii ale organismului [apeland la transa terapeutica(hipnotica,mistica,shamanica),la Qigong ,homeopatie si acupunctura] in vindecarea unor boli s-a dovedit insuficienta.. Primii care au beneficiat de terapiile energetice si informationale ale viitorului (aparatele de electro-acupunctura ) si au renuntat la contaminarea cu medicamente au fost astronautii- fiindca intr-un mediu(sistem) inchis ,unde totul se recircula, apa de baut- obtinuta din urina unei persoane care a folosit substante contaminante(medicamente)- nu putea fi filtrata si folosita fara efecte secundare nocive. Awake from the Collective Trance and the exclusive use of chemical drugs in medical treatment of psychosomatic disorders The following slogan is used by advertising for drug stores in Romania“Sa fiti sanatosi!â€-"Be Healthy!"- "Stay Healthy" If you want to keep yourself in good health avoid chemical drugs that contaminates your body and alter your DNA ..tr
Nearly all medical drugs can AND DO cause liver damage!
Continued liver damage leads to widespread body system failures and eventually death!
And these toxic substances are supposed to heal us?
Study: 7 percent of college students used prescription drugs as stimulants for non-medical purposesANN ARBOR, Mich.—Seven percent of college students have used prescription stimulants for non-medical purposes over their lifetimes and 4 percent have used in the past year, according to a study of students at 119 four-year colleges and universities nationwide published in the January issue of the journal Addiction.
Please see more on my web pages: PSI SCIENCES: http://www.psi-sciences.com SITE MIRAHORIAN: http://www.danmirahorian.ro QI MAGEN SITE: http://www.danmirahorian.com Graal Star: http://360.yahoo.com/graalstar Qi Magen : http://360.yahoo.com/QIMAGEN