"Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is the most important book on Earth" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Coand%C4%83
Inspired with work of Nikola Tesla, Swami Vivekananda wrote about electricity in his book "Raja Yoga"(a book on Patanjali Yoga Sutra)
In the early 1890s, one of the greatest scientists of the western world worked on a challenge thrown at him by one of greatest Indian philosophers. Nikola Tesla, the extraordinary inventor and father of electricity as we know it today, met with Swami Vivekananda - one of the greatest spiritualists of Hinduism. The Indian Swami offered him a treasure of Vedic wisdom about energy and matter, about how the Vedic science considered the universe to be. Tesla promised the Swami that he would mathematically demonstrate that force and matter could be equated to potential energy in some fashion see more on blog: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f riendID=30631436&blogID=67055949
"The truth cannot be said to the blind, but everybody can be
led to the point (alterated state of consciouness;trance alignment) from where the reality can be seen". "Adevarul
nu poate fi comunicat verbal celor orbi,insa toti oamenii pot fi condusi la starea de constiinta din care poate fi
vazut"(Mirahorian) "I cannot teach anybody anything,I can only make them see;People are driven to believe in the illusion that they can learn smth.,while they still remain blind"(Socrates).. HOW TO EXPERIENCE UNION WITH GOD - OUR DIVINE ESSENCE HOW TO KNOW THE DIVINE IN YOU
Translation by Dan
Mirahorian with a commentary by Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari
See more on Patanjali Yoga Sutra translated by Mirahorian on: PSI-SCIENCES: http://www.psi-sciences.com Patanjali-Yoga Sutra: http://360.yahoo.com/patan_jali Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms: http://patanjali1.multiply.com/ Yogini ( Katarina Di Leva) sings the Moola Mantra