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I am here for Friends

About Me

it is true that my ears are under the water but my head is on an island off the coast of mauritania, my arteries, meanwhile, run between iraq and california; praise to allah that i have so few nightmares;this is why i do not have the luxury of tears -de verdad no tengo el lujo de llorar porque en cambio tengo muy poco pesadillas (gracias a allah), es verdad que mis orejas estan bajo el agua y que mi cabeza esta por las costas de mauritania, mis arterias pasan entre california, iraq y indonesia Layout Provided By - Browse Layouts

My Interests

moving my body, training my digits to do both organized and random meaningful tasks, minding my mind, learning to sing - mover el cuerpo, acostumbrar los dedos hacer hechos determinados y indeterminados, aprender cantar, cuidadando el coco. . .

I'd like to meet:

jean michel basquiat~sun ra


sounds and songs about nothing, journeys, mysteries, nightmares, ecstacy and glory - sonidos y canciones sobre nada, viajes, mysterios, pesadillas, extasis y gloria


dead man, sprout, a joyful noise


i like reading very much- me gusta leer mucho


solitary fishermen and farmers that sing- los pescadores solitarios y los granjeros q cantan

My Blog

freestyle rant number 1 mar2 07

dentro de una caja de cedro, inside a small cedar box, i remember having old threads of cloth that were brought from mexico by an old woman who beat my grandmother but i saved them, cherished them bec...
Posted by Rodrigo on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 05:19:00 PST

letter to Malachi Ritscher(1954-2006)

MalachiMan, i am sad you did this. Reading your obituary, i got excited hearing about your endeavors on recording music (free jazz and the chicago music community nonetheless!) you did alot of beauti...
Posted by Rodrigo on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 04:18:00 PST