Eden Underground Radio profile picture

Eden Underground Radio

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

Why are we here? Who the hell are we?We are here thanks to an online game going by the name of Eve-Online. The station back in the early days consisted of one man and his dog. Created by a bunch of gamers for one another to kick back and listen to decent music whilst shooting through space [no pun intended!]. My how times have changed.But do not fear! Our ties with EVE-Online are still burning strong. We still have the EUR in-game chat channel. Where you will bump into most of our DJs. We're a fuckin' insane bunch we'll chat to anyone. Website is up and running beautifully so check us out there Eden UndergroundAlso don't forget the Auto Play Requester . When there isn't a live DJ. There's the auto play. And where there's the auto play. There's the requester. So go pick a TUNE! Please TUNE DA FUCK IN!Come be apart of our community };P Coz we love it when you come.DJ Listing:» Xeserox » Dante » Fnord Prefect » DJ Gilgamoth » Mr. M » DJ Noyes » That Guy » DJ Villan

My Interests

Music, Games, Community

I'd like to meet:

Who wouldn't I like to meet!!!If you would like your stuff aired on Eden Underground Radio, hit the contact button.Drop in a link/copy of your music and make sure it's at least an mp3.If you would like to get interactive with the station and any of it's DJ's hit us up. We would LOVE the oppertunity to do more band interviews. So get in touch.We are also searching for more DJ's to fill up our slots. All you need is gumption & some tunes.


All kinds! The DJ's at Eden Underground are blessed with unusually good taste and aren't whipped slavishly by the chart topping industry. We don't like musical taste being dictated upon us. We play good music, of no specific time period. A broad spectrum of genre's get covered here. TUNE DA FUCK IN!


We're not here for TV. We're here for the music




Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Anne Rice, Tanith Lee, Ian M Banks, Ignacio Noe and Eduardo Barreiro, Min-Woo Hyung, Kohta Hirano, all kinds!



My Blog

Cheap Scams

This is my first rant on here. I couldn't resist. I looked in the EUR myspace mailbox and found some guy trying to splash me with that stupid scam/con/scheme (whatever you wanna call it) "You aren't g...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 03:47:00 PST


I've noticed that Huski are currently pottering around the country stopping at a few venues. Looks like this Saturday they'll be in Camden! Check out their Myspace page for more details and also check...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:01:00 PST

to ALL bands out there

A message from the big man of Eden Underground Radio himself. "To ALL bands, that actually look at people's profiles and blogs!  I run and internet radio station known as Eden Underground Radio,...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:33:00 PST

Eat Fetish!

Hey folks. Thought I'd just put something down as there've not been many blog posts lately. November 24th (Saturday) will be Erotica at the London Olympia. And I will be there!! If you fancy going def...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:42:00 PST

New DJ Alert!,Re:New Show Starts Wednesday 5th September 19:00 GMT,Re:New Show Starts Wednesday,Re:New Show Starts Wednesday 5th September 19:00 GMT

New DJ news. Fresh out the oven. Eden Underground Radio would like to welcome whole heartily DJ Gilgamoth! ..> "That's right folks, I will be doing a new weekly show on a W...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 06:38:00 PST


If you don't know them, and you haven't yet clicked on their link from the EUR top friends list. You are grievely missing out on being tickled and tickled all over and over again. What the fuck am I t...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:31:00 PST

T-shirt customisation

Today I finally got both my t-shirt through the mail that I got customised along with Xeserox's t-shirt They fucking rock! Mine is a tight little red tee with my name (Bluetear Wolf) on the back in b...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:40:00 PST

Back on the Ball folks

Holiday is over. I am back and trying to get back on the ball of keeping this site up to date. So far the most important thing you all need to know is that the official Eden Underground web site is no...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:29:00 PST


Dear Myspace friends. The hamster in this page's wheel is off on holiday for two weeks. Therefore, I apollogise if any messages or requests go unanswered. The stream will be running as normal. Tune in...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 08:05:00 PST

New Monday Night DJ

His name's Frogzilla!!  Tune in from around 20:00 GMT on Monday nights. ...
Posted by Eden Underground Radio on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:46:00 PST