I'm 30 and live in Melbourne with my Fiance. We have a cat (Harley) and a crazy dog (Milly).
I am General Manager for a multi-franchise prestige car dealership in the s'burbs so that keeps me busy!I was born in Mauritius and moved here when I was 7.
After I finished yr 12 I decided to travel before deciding what to do with my life. It was a good experience and probably made me a more wiser, independant person.I'm pretty ambitious and have big plans to take over the world. I know where I wanna head so just have to make sure I get there.
I got engaged recently with a very sexy young lady... She knows who she is. If you think it's you, just go with that!
We are getting married in November 07.If I hadn't met her I would have joined the ARMY. I guess the next best thing is the reserves...
The only problem with joining the ARMY was that I like to make plenty of money so the only way is to ship out to a hot spot and hope u make it back alive to spend ur tax free mullahs!Not much else really. The lack of females as friends below says nothing bout my sexuality. I just don't need horny little sluts littering myspace ;)
Only quality people need apply...So in conclusion, if u need a hot European car holler at me. Me and my mates will sort you out.
Graphics & Layouts
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics