Oingo Boingo, Cake, Weezer, The Violent Femmes, Prince, They Might Be Giants, The Beatles, Elton John, Billy Joel, Billy Idol, Greenday, Offspring, Depeche Mode, The Presidents of the United States of America, The Cure, Eminem, Madonna, Bon Jovi, various 80s tunes, and you know what they say, you buy a girl Patsy Cline and she'll S**t all over you.
American Psycho, Magnolia, The Shining, Clue, Back to the Future, Newsies, Dead Poet's Society, Labyrinth, Edward Sissorhands, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, The Dark Crystal, The Jerk, Bill and Teds Exellent Adventure, The Secret of Nimh, Simple Plan, The Three Amigos, Dangerous Liasons, Beetlegeuse, Indiana Jones, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Mary Poppins, Kung Fu Hustle, Secretary, The Breakfast Club, Spirited Away, The Princess Bride, and The Little Mermaid.
Twilight Zone, Quantum Leap, Law and Order, Perfect Strangers, Barney Miller, Courage the Cowerdly Dog, Once Upon a Hampster, Infomercials, Six Feet Under, Aeon Flux, Cowboy Bebop, Iron Chef, Lost, and The Price is Right or any game show for that matter.
Enders Game, Sphere, Lolita, The Fountainhead will always hold a special place in my heart, and geez that's it, I need to read more. Not really, I hate reading. It's all about books on tape though.
Crispin Glover