Arius profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a typical kid from Malaysia.Sometimes, I enjoy playing the piano, read a good book, study for upcoming major examinations and participating in as many competitions as I possibly can (Give me certificates or give me death).Other times I can be seen pummelling my little sister to the ground (haha, weakling), being pummelled to the ground myself (damn my lack of muscles), insulting others without regards to their personal feelings and equally being insulted myself. Ergo, I'm an ass. Yay!Plans in the near future? To study overseas and get a Masters in a field I've yet to prevail upon. OR marry some old dying guy with a few billion dollars in his name. The latter sounds more appealing, does it not?

My Interests

Reading, watching LEGALLY obtained movies, listening to lame pop songs or instrumentals and playing the piano. By playing I meant stroking/bashing random keys and calling it musical art. *Nod*

I'd like to meet:

Jesus.What? He doesn't exist? Oh okay. Not surprised.Barney.WHAT? HE DOESN'T EXIST TOO?? OMFG NO!!! Barneeeey!


Currently? Rain, Se7en, Lexy.Taufik Batisah.Santana, Malmsteen (just added him in), Rob Zombie, Metallica, Incubus.Beethoven, Chopin, Haydn, and give or take your random, lesser-known English composers.


Pride and Prejudice, Coach Carter, The Animatrix, Pulp Fiction, Spirited Away and Korean/Japanese horrors.


Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, The Shining, The Green Mile, The Rainmaker, The Client and... eh, pretty much anything by Jane Austen, John Grisham and Stephen King. Robert Ludlum ain't bad either.


The dude who, like, saved humanity or something. Yeah. He was cool. Thanks for saving my ass, dude-who-saved-humanity.