What's She Watching Now:
Going on a horror trip to far-away lands this weekend!
(sorry, still too lazy to make the titles clicky)
Would you survive a zombie attack?
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
In Honor of "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (Sept. 19)!!
My pirate name is:
Bloody Jenny Rackham
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
Which Horror Movie Killer Are You?
Michael Myers
You hate your family, so you want to kill them all. Hey, works for me. A butcher knife is your weapon of choice. You're strong, witty, and seriously scary. And you also need to seek therapy. A lot of it. Right NOW.
What's your Theme Song?
“Pretty Girl†By Sugarcult
You get told all the time you're beautiful but you don't believe it. You can never find that one special person you've been looking for...but you ARE a pretty girl, right? It doesn't make sense to you...you're beautiful, but it always seems like there's no guys who like you...to you, love is an excuse to get hurt...but don't worry--you're just like me.
What Movie Are You?
Secret Window
OOPS! Wrong Window!
You're cryptic, yet that's what makes you intriguing. You have a mixed personality and you're always up for adventure.
What Disney Villain Are You?
Click to join the IMDb Horror Board Short Story group!!
What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com
What Kind of Zombie are You?
You are a Fulci Zombie. The incessant beating of the native drums has awakened you to feed on the living. You're not real clear on why. You feed on living human flesh and can be killed by any sharp blow to the head.
What part did you play during the zombie uprising?
You were the HERO. You thought up the plan, and led your group to safety. Well, most of them.
See more crazy cat pics!
How White and Nerdy Are You?
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