sharing food! finding a clubhouse! manslippers and mimosa mornings! playin cards at zeitgeist. dolores park. anything i can bbq. film skool! talkin dirty n backin it up!tattoos! asphyxiation! testin limits! wrestling! napping! solvency! finding an adult-size big wheel! theme parties! funny animal videos. gettin spanked by santa!
SOMEONE WHO WILL LET ME BORROW THEIR VIDEO CAMERA! interesting, funny people. cynical optimists. misfits. kind and charming smart-asses. people who have a lot of favorites and tell good stories. sexual explorers and pioneers of kink. progressive types!
too much
too many
good 4 hangovers/breakups - my penchant for femmes can be traced back to a youth spent five inches from the boob-tube - 50s beauties in black-n-white: lucy, donna reed, alice kramden - 70s superheroines: wonder woman, foxy brown, charlie's angels - n i deeply understood the tension between jo n blair!
fearless romantics.