I represent several owners in zipcodes 11211, 11222 & 11237, otherwise known as Williamsburg, East Williamsburg, Bushwick and Greenpoint in Brooklyn, NY. I am an idealist with a genuine interest in figuring out what is best for the community. I live here and am active in community organizations. I know that this is the beginning of a new era in Brooklyn with the real estate market out of control. I am ready to take responsibility for overseeing what happens by working in real estate. Greenpoint and Williamsburg have just been rezoned from mostly manufacturing and industrial zoning to residential with commercial overlays. Within the next 15 years Brooklyn will have a promenade from Greenpoint down through Williamsburg overlooking Manhattan. Several 40 story developments are planned and the area will gain 54 acres of parks. Streets will be de-mapped and transportation studies will hopefully be able to accomodate all of this. In Bushwick things are cleaning up, small hip cafes are sprouting and you can still buy a 6 family building for under $1M that turns a profit. I love this stuff. If you`re into Brooklyn you should know this stuff. I love real estate. If you are interested in getting involved, whether it be in investing yourself or finding ways to volunteer within the community, please contact me.
Also, don`t forget to subscribe to my daily blog featuring information on real estate, zoning, investments, politics, community events, and information you didn`t even know you want to know. Join the community and spread the word.
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