All Sports, Theatre, Acting, Movies, spending time with friends, and having a good time
I would have liked to meet Ghandi and Mother Theresa, and would like to meet Nelson Mandela and Bono (and anyone else similar who lead their lives with so much love, passion, peace, and care for others). Also Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, and Clint Eastwood.On a more personal note: My deceased grandfather whom I never got to meet (I am told that he was one of a kind) and again to see my departed grandma whom I loved dearly and miss so so much!
Almost everything
Any classic film and more modern greats like Gladiator, Braveheart, etc.
Any great thriller shows like 24 and Lost, Boston Legal and others
My family, every one of them because they all helped shape who I am today, and I am eternally grateful for that.