I've been at the garden center alot and love it. Stop down and I'll figure out a nice flower/landscaping layout for your house. Already started judging horse shows and loving it, so glad to be back in the arena again.
Friends and family are my first priority. They say you can have all the money in the world but without friends your poor and I believe that wholeheartedly. I'm undertaking new resonsibilities this year at the greenhouse in a good way. I've got a ton of horse shows I'm judging and it looks like I'll be judging more in Florida in the coming fall/winter for 08/09 so I'm pretty excited about that.
I'm very active, hate to sit around. I'm always finding something to occupy my time with. I don't know how people can be lazy and let life just pass them by. I love to cook and try new recipes, even if they backfire.
I model part time these days. Yes, I was in Playboy, but obviously I'm not going to shoot for that ever again. I was lucky to get in the 2 times I did since I'm older. I still love to travel, especially down south to Florida. I love bartending bike week, easiest money I'll ever make in my life I'm sure of it. I pretty much have just as many friends down there (good ones) as up here in Ohio, so I always enjoy seeing them. Anywhere warmer than Ohio works for me.
Horses are a huge part of my life. I really enjoy barrel racing and I'm hoping to do some running this year with Moe. He's pretty special to me.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!