My angel, my rose, my castle in the sky, My Laura.
www.hostdrjack.comThere is nothing like the unconditional love you share with your child!
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I'd like to meet:
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I'd like to meet the guy who gave the Wright brothers the credit for being first in flight. I'd like to meet the guy who taught Dan Quail how to spell potato! I'd like to meet more people who can think for themselves! I'd like to meet the person who wants nothing to do with their kids or grandkids! I'd like to meet Beethoven even though he is de-composing, hehe!I'd like to meet Steven Hawings, People Ive only seen in dreams for a long time now, and the authors of the bible amongst many other people....I'd like to meet a girl that knows how to act like a woman instead of a spiteful child!I'd like to meet your * "Fairy Fuckin Godmother", cause if she doesn't have all the solutions, then I'm gonna fuckin own her ass!
* "Fairy Fuckin Godmother" is a trademark of Fucking Lieing Bitches and Cheating Hoes Inc. All familiarities, remarks and incidences are purely coincidental......
Brought to you by the law offices of, I'm Gonna Fucking Own Your Ass Bitch and Associates.
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www.hostdrjack.comI choose not to smoke,
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But that shouldn't stop you!
Legalize it!!!!!
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Music that moves your soul, that becomes a part of you, that speaks to you without the need of anything else.
Yeah, thats good, so is a little get down porno music, grunge hump, fuck off and die with a little R&B slap your momma music. And pretty much anything inbetween except for a lot of country songs!!!!
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Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Crash, Sariana, American Beauty, Pirates of the Carribean, Imortal Beloved, Underworld, Tears of the Sun, Blade, The DaVinci Conde, Matrix, Star Wars, Mr and Mrs Smith, Anger Managment, Pixar Animations and anything else in my collection DVDs.
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You know whats funny. I have a 60" plasma with home theater and a 1000 watt Yamaha Surround Sound above my fireplace, but still no Cable Channels!!! WTF Dude!!!
A little bit of the dirty indulgences ;) and some Science and Tech stuff, Building Contractors' Shit, Business Platform Info's, Historical, Educational reading ( Time mag )and Sci-fi that is visionary and entertaining (Dan Brown)I have an IQ of 151!
I am in the 99th percentile!
This means that I did better than 99 percent of the people who have taken this test!
The average score for this test is 100.
The maximum score is 167.
The minimum score is 66.
» Take the IQ Test at MindViz
Beethoven, Liszt, Racmonninof, Julius Cesar, Howard Hughes, Hefner, Arran Hoffmann, John Robert Calabro, Steven Hawkings, Albert Einstien, Bob Brubaker, Concordia Dimeglio, The Trump, Christ, Robert DeNiro, Jack Nicholson, Chuck Yeager, Leonardo DaVinci, and my daughter!
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