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Chris Burge Ministries

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Member Since: 6/11/2007
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Biblical Communication

This ten-week series covers every aspect of communication, such as:
Having a difficult conversation.
Why Satan uses people closest to you to distract you.
How to balance grace and truth.
Motivating your man God’s way.
The difference in communication styles between men and women.
The difference between unconditional love and unconditional respect.
The art of biblical confrontation.
The difference between forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust.
Biblical job descriptions of a husband and wife.
The power of specificity.

Biblical Job Description of Husband and Wife

Angry, disappointed or frustrated in your marriage? When your expectations for the role of the husband and wife are based on non-biblical sources, your marriage is destined to be disappointing. There is hope for transformation! This two-part teaching examines the biblical job description for the man, taken from Ephesians 5:21-33 and for the woman, taken from 1 Peter 2:13, 3:1-7. Start equipping yourself so you don’t have to spend your whole marriage trying to save it!

Biblical Time Management

How you use your time will determine whether you get in the good, the acceptable, or the perfect will of God. Your life is a series of well managed days or a string of poorly managed ones. Everybody gets the same 24 hours; the difference in people is how they use the 24 hours given to them. We must recognize that time manages itself, it is our lives we must management. Activity does not equal results! Learn how to recognize when you are caught up in the captivity of activity. An important question you should be asking yourself is, "What is the most important use of my time right now?" There is a sad and sobering reality when we don't have enough time to do what God, not man, has called us to do. Its time for a new reality!

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Men and women have misunderstood each other for generations. How can we get out of those ineffective communication cycles? "One of the truths that I have discovered is that most men learn how to communicate with women from other men, and most women learn how to communicate with men from other women," says Burge. Therefore, it is essential that we learn to communicate with each other. This four-part series is a powerful tool to equip men and women in dealing with the opposite sex. If you are tired of being MISunderstood, this humorous and educational teaching will prove to be a tremendous help!

Conflict Resolution

How different would life be if you could have smoother relationships with the people closest to you? Few things in life can drain us of energy like strife in a close relationship. The goal of conflict in your life is so that Satan can fragment your focus. He wants to shift your focus from accomplishing God's will for your life into trying to get the upper hand in a troubled relationship. Being right all the time is the wrong way to keep relationships! In this teaching you will learn how to negotiate win/ win outcomes, how to speak the truth in love, and the rules for having a healthy fight!!! We must understand the difference between forgiveness, trust, and reconciliation, because they are not the same. You will get yourself in trouble if you do not begin to make this distinction!

Cost of Following Christ

Christ encountered three major pitstops en route to fulfilling His purpose:The Jordan River - Dying to self The Wilderness - Satan tempting Him Nazareth - People who should have supported Him rejected Him Learn how He overcame these pitstops and how you can overcome them as well.

Crazy Folks

Relationships are a vital part of our lives. Are you in an unhealthy relationship, feeling abused or rejected? Do you feel that sometimes you just don’t know how to do deal with your family? Conquering these unhealthy relationships is a step in attaining God’s best for your life. In this biblical teaching series you will learn how to set boundaries, stop enabling people in unhealthy patterns, and break free from other people’s poor choices and their painful consequences.

Daniel: A life of Conviction & Reward

When you decide to take a stance people will hunt you and stalk you to try to get you to compromise! But in this exciting teaching you will learn how to succeed in the world system without compromise. Having scripturally based convictions will position you in a way that you will get promotions even in hostile environments. They will insulate you from the corruptive influences of the world and give you a spirit of excellence. Establishing non-negotiables will help you learn the power of a consistent walk with God. God rewards people who live lives of conviction…lets start living it today!

Destroying a Poverty Mentality

Being broke is a season, being poor is a state of mind. The goal of the enemy is to have us in a perpetual lack mindset. In this very relevant teaching, you will discover that prosperity is an inside out job. The first step to true prosperity is destroying the poverty mentality. Unconsciously, many Christians have settled into the mindset that "this is as good as it’s going to get," but that does not have to be our fate in life, if we will learn how to overcome certain mental paradigms that have held us hostage over the years. This teaching will provide you with the necessary tools to correct your thinking and alter your destiny.

Discovering Your Gift

Have you ever wondered what on earth are you here for? Or even questioned how you can use your life to make a dynamic difference in the kingdom of God? Do you have a solution to a problem that the world is facing but do not know how to begin tackling it? In this powerful four CD teaching, you will learn the three easiest ways to identify your gift as well as general myths about your gift. Also, you will realize that if you do not channel your gift into a fruit of the spirit, unwitting, you will start to express your creative energy into works of the flesh and that is unhealthy! Until you discover your gift, you will never know the joy that God has for you. God gave you a gift so that you can be part of the solution. God wants you to start using your gift to bless the body of Christ.


Faith is a term that we often hear tossed around in the body of Christ, but do you really know what faith is and how it is expressed in your life? There is supernatural power in faith and this teaching will help you to unleash it. We must learn how to handle the spiritual warfare between our prayers and waiting for God's answers. God wants to change your perspective on the problem, before he changes the problem itself. A victorious person realizes that fear and faith operate in the invisible and will release blessings or curses in the visible. Money is the currency that we use in the natural realm; faith and obedience is the currency that we use in the spiritual realm. Its time to put our money on faith!


"What would I pursue if I knew I could not fail?" Does fear keep holding you back? Fear is the chief emotion that Satan uses to prevent us from using our potential. This four-part teaching will help you identify and conquer the sources of fear in your life. You are on your way to answering that question!

Forgiveness: The Gift that Sets You Free

The word forgiveness means to cancel a debt and relinquish all rights to collect on it. To hold on to this debt keeps you chained to the perpetrator emotionally. Satan will deceive you into believing that not forgiving someone will punish them, but the only person who is punished is you. Holding on to un-forgiveness keeps your mind and soul imprisoned with the person. We must examine our hearts to see how many relatives, boyfriends, girlfriends, or employers are behind bars with us. Staying in un-forgiveness victimizes you far worse than the actual offense. It has the power to cripple you emotionally and spiritually. This teaching examines the differences between forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust. It identifies that forgiveness is not approving, excusing, justifying, nor reconciling with the person or what they did to you. Walking in forgiveness can be a reality for you and this teaching will show you how.

Generational Curses

With this provocative teaching learn how we all have behaviors that we have inherited from our family of origin and they are not always positive. Unfortunately, there are some very unhealthy patterns that have been passed down our family line. Every person has to determine will they leave a legacy of blessing or curses. The Bible tells us that the sins of the father are passed down to the third and fourth generation. Its time to put an end to the cycle of curses and to start a cycle of blessings. Things may have run in your family, but they can run out with you!!

God's Financial Plan

The Bible has more to say about money than it does any other subject. God desires for us to be distribution centers to help meet the needs of mankind. Money without a mission is materialism, but money with a mission can be used to fund the Kingdom of God. In this comprehensive teaching, we systematically go through the old and new testaments and examine what the Bible has to say about finances. Learn how to get in God’s economic system, discover the connection between your heart and your money, and learn how to honor God in this vital area of our walk.

Holding Patterns

Few things are as challenging to our Christian walks as when we find ourselves in a period where we are waiting on God for a breakthrough. For most Christians, the challenge is not in trusting God, rather, it usually revolves around 3 main components of time: First, the amount of time that has passed while we are waiting. Secondly, the brevity of time left until we need an answer. Thirdly, it may simply be the timing of our holding pattern (i.e. it is occurring at a very inopportune time.) But we don’t have to waste time in those holding patterns if we simply make the most of the season God has us in. This teaching is a must if we are going to learn how to navigate through these challenges and convert seeming stumbling blokes into stepping stones!

How To Become A Star: A Study of Esther

In this teaching you will learn the essence and the qualities of Esther that made her a star. She was a woman who recognized when she was having a defining moment, who understood the power of favor and respect, and the importance of having a teachable spirit. Like Esther, we must understand how God uses obscurity 101 to prepare us for our defining moment and how this will make us a candidate for His best! Self control, correct timing, and specificity are crucial when the stakes are high in your life. We cannot allow one negative emotion to go unchecked because you can forfeit all that God has for you. You will learn the importance of preparations and how to leave your comfort zone. One of the keys that made Esther a star was her ability to know who God was using to speak to her. With this teaching you too will have the tools to start living your life as a star!

How to Finish Strong

In this teaching we examine the life of Paul and what he wrote in his last epistle. In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith." Like Paul we want to run a good race, and live a full life conscious of our goals and values, ever mindful that we will be remembered by the decisions we make today! The majority of the people in the b ible got off to a strong start but finished weak. Some of our favorite bible characters, such as David, Judas, Gideon, and Mose s , lost focus in the middle of their journeys and suffered greatly in the end. If we want our lives to end in a powerful way we must remain strong throughout our journey, we must be faithful and persevere like Nehemiah and finish our "wall", or we must be wise like Solomon and finish building our "temple" according to the plan that God gave us. If we're obedient to the heavenly vision when all is said and done we will be able to say "it is finished", just as Jesus proclaimed from the cross. What we do today, how we spend our time, who we associate with and what we eat--all of these things have an impact on our tomorrows. The teaching "How to Finish Strong" will show you how to finish your race with victory by living a life that legacies are made of.

How to Overcome Life's Obstacles

We all face obstacles in our lives, but how we view those obstacles determines whether or not we allow ourselves to be consumed or renewed by them. If we learn from the problems in our lives we won't be bound by them and make the same mistakes over and over again. Sometimes it seems that an obstacle or a problem will pop up in our lives to discourage us from fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. But God always gives us His promise first to ignite the passion that we need to push through an obstacle. If we don't document the vision of God's promises--if we don't "write the vision and make it plain," as Habukkuk urges us to do we will lose sight when adversity strikes and we'll be tempted to give up. But if we develop the right perspective--a Godly perspective-- we'll have the ability to interpret discouraging events and still maintain a positive mindset. If Jesus had not surrendered himself to die brutally on the cross He would never have been gloriously resurrected. Anyone who has ever done something great has endured tough opposition. Instead of being apprehensive about problems and obstacles, this teaching will help you anticipate and manage them.

Ideals vs Realities- The Tension in the Middle

We all have desires and aspirations about what we can become in Christ. Yet as we read the promises in the bible and compare them to what we are experiencing there’s often a disconnect, and we wrestle with the differences between our ideals and the realities of our lives. The tension that results can leave us disillusioned, discouraged and demoralized. In this provocative teaching we will discuss the most common tensions (including: toxic people; dealing with adversity; learning how to transition from where you are to where God wants you to be) that exist between our ideals and our realities, and the steps that one must take to address them.

Influence of The Father

A father is a compass that steers his children’s live. A son will form his masculinity by watching his father. When a daughter gives her heart to her father it will influence her belief and perception of men. What will a father do with that little heart? Will he treat his daughter with love and respect and teach her that she's significant and valuable? This two-part teaching will help you discover how to take a strong Biblical stance with your choices, decisions and attitudes in raising your children.


Gallop Poll states that 70% of the people in the workforce hate their job. With that said, are you living the life you've always wanted? In this exciting teaching you will learn how to live a life of integrity. Living with integrity literally means living whole. To simplify, it means a life where your external conduct is consistent with your internal values. You can only find peace when you no longer live a life that contradicts what you are called to do. There is an invisible dream that you are struggling to give birth to. That is why job satisfaction, promotions, and all other poor substitutes for you purpose will be short lived. Don't let Satan negotiate you out of what God has called you to do!

Intimacy With God

Does God know your dreams, fears, frustrations, and secrets? Being intimate with God is being transparent with Him. Your level of transparency with God will give you insights to His way of thinking which will take you to new levels in every area of your life. In this teaching you will learn how to deepen your relationship with the Lord and allow Him to work through your life. You will learn how a close relationship with God worked on the behalf of men and women in the Bible and in particular through the story of King David and King Saul. David’s intimate relationship with God brought him victory and greatness, while Saul’s lack of intimacy led him to end his life in a lonely suicide. There are many blessings that a confident and close relationship with the Lord will produce. God has openly and freely given himself; we must be ready to do the same with Him.

Joseph: The Over-comer

Are there areas or people in your life that are trying to overcome the dream that God has placed inside you? Joseph learned to overcome the warfare that his dream attracted and to pour all of his energy into the present. Like Joseph, we can be moving progressively closer to our ultimate destiny even though our circumstances are deteriorating. His life is an example of how God places needs in a sinner's heart that only a saint can fulfill. By showing grace, we must learn not to retaliate against those who hurt us or attack our dream. Joseph knew this and as a result God gave him immeasurable favor and promoted him. Ultimately, Joseph was an over-comer because he refused to give anyone so much power that they could steal what God was trying to do in his life.

Just Between us Guys

Curious to why the Bible rarely articulates masculinity? This teaching is an excellent resource to get answers to your questions on topics like: • Do men have to become more feminine to enjoy a relationship with Christ? • What does the Bible say about a man’s desire to be productive? • What does the Bible have to say about the challenges that men face with lust?

Lessons from The Well

We all have yearnings, desires and things in our life that we are thirsty for—it’s just part of our humanity. The key question we must ask ourselves is how do we quench that thirst? It’s critical that we learn to fill our deep inner yearnings with the things of God. If we attempt to satisfy our thirst with man made remedies or solutions, we’re setting ourselves up for footholds that can turn into strongholds. In this teaching, we study the life of the woman that Jesus met at the well in John 4. This woman struggled with a deep thirst and went from one man to the next looking for fulfillment, only to discover that her needs could only be satisfied by developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. This teaching is a must for anyone who has wrestled with unmet yearnings, long seasons of frustration or history repeating itself.

Looks Aren't Everything

Have you ever wrestled with envy or jealousy? Do you look at the success of your friends, family, or colleagues and feel disdain because of your own failures? Are you in a season where comparing yourself to others is causing you to feel badly about yourself? Jealousy is the desire to keep what's rightfully yours. Envy is when you want what belongs to someone else. Saul, whose name means "the people's choice', was a King who stood head and shoulders above everyone else. However, it was his envy of David, a shepherd boy, that eventually drove Saul to his death. Saul's internal dissatisfaction made him react externally , which resulted in irrational and dangerous behavior. In this teaching , using Saul as an example we learn : the difference between jealousy and envy ; the dangers of comparison; the insecurities that lead to foolish behavior ; how to help others who struggle with jealousy and envy ; and the principle that we can't make the best use of our strengths if we fail to deal with our weaknesses. Without this teaching you cannot live successfully as a Christian !

Master Key To The Christian Life - Revelation of Righteousness

Far too many Christians suffer from guilt and inferiority and go through life experiencing a low grade feeling of shame. Consequently it becomes very difficult for us to believe that God can use our lives for His purpose. Righteousness means right standing with God. A revelation of righteousness will empower us to accomplish all that God has called us to do. If you have ever been challenged by regret or shame, this teaching is a must to help you heal your past, and enter your future with peace.

Mindset of The Champion

Champions have mindsets or attitudes that are different than regular folks. Champions have trained themselves to respond to life, rather than react to life. When you respond you are in control, when you react you are trapped by your emotions. In this teaching, you will learn how to respond to the affairs of life as a champion responds using the word of God, instead of reacting to situations and getting caught in the web of emotions the enemy uses to keep up us in "dis-ease."

Negative Emotions

Are you being drained because of feelings of fear, anger, un-forgiveness, bitterness, or despair? If so this teaching will give you the tools to handle these unhealthy emotions. Negative emotions are the target of the enemy because he realizes how much mental capital is consumed feeding these emotions. Our strengths are of no advantage if we fail to deal with our weaknesses. One unchecked emotion is enough to abort what God is doing in your life. The negative emotion that you fail to conquer will incubate until you wake up one day and realize that your whole life is consumed by it.


We all have areas in our lives that have broken down and we need to repair in order to become leaders. This teaching series will give you the tools to rebuild the broken areas of your life. A dynamic spiritual life is a building block to leadership. Learn how to: transition from your comfort zone to your assignment, to overcome unwanted criticism, to balance between prayer and planning, to draw resources from the unsaved world, to convert your passion into your assignment, and to mobilize troops! Nehemiah teaches us that if you are going to pray to God about a problem then you have to be willing to be part of the answer!!!

Offense: Satan's Tool For Robbing You of Your Potential

This is a crucial teaching for anyone struggling with forgiving another person. We discuss the three seasons when Satan tries to get you in offense. A hint: One of them is when you’re in transition.

Overcoming Obstacles

When things don’t go our way, our vision for life tends to get blurred. The excitement has left and our life appears to be dull and dreary. Based on patterns within the Bible, this teaching will show you how to move pass your problems so you can reach your destiny. God shows us the promises first. Imagine if God chose to show us our problems instead of our promises. We would never get started with our unique vision! It is your passion for the promises that gives you the power to deal with the problems. INCREASING THE SIZE OF YOUR VISION, decreases the size of your problems

Passion is the Genesis of Genius

One of the biggest ways you can waste your life is to live ignoring those things that you yearn to do. Death is not the greatest loss in life, the greatest loss in life is what dies inside of us while we are living. We must ask ourselves, What am I passionate about? What is the desire of my heart that can be tied to a Kingdom agenda? What captivates my attention? What activities do I engage in that cause me to get lost in time? What do I want to learn more about? Your passion is a clue to what God sent you here to do. When you discover your passion, you will discover your true genius. Remember it is your passion for the promises that gives you the power to overcome the problems in the process. It will also give you the tenacity to overcome the attacks of the enemy! Your passion will get you out of the service lane of life and onto the highway "flow" of God's will.

Portrait of a Spiritual Diva

This powerful class examines the life of Abigail, and how it teaches us to deal with difficult people.

Power of Potential

God is not going to shrink his plans for your life to accommodate our insecurities. He is going to demand that we grow into all he called us to be. In this insightful teaching you will learn the power of developing your potential. The enemy always wants you to think that where you are right now is the best it can be. Get excited! With just a few daily disciplines you can become so much more than you have in the past.

Power of Words

The bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Your attitude is a compilation of the words you speak to yourself or your inner dialogue. Satan uses inner dialogue to destroy you while God uses it to build you up. Inner dialogue impacts key areas of your life: enthusiasm, vulnerability to depression, recovery after a set back, whether you focus on your spouse's strengths or weaknesses, dating standards, and if you succumb to the temptation to settle for less. You can learn how to discover the times of the day, week, and month when you are more susceptible to negative inner dialogues. We must begin to identify when Satan is trying to engage us in unhealthy conversation.

Pride: The Sin that God Hates

The Bible tell us that pride is the sin that God hates. This could be attributed to it being the sin that reminds him most of Satan. Pride is placing your opinion over what God has said. It begins with stubbornness and degenerates into rebellion. When you decide that your way of doing something is better than God's way, you are acting in pride. What area of your life do you continue to do things your way although God has given you His direction? Do you credit your own merit for receiving blessings or increase rather than God? Do you disbelieve God when He says you can do something that you have deemed as impossible? James 4:6 NKJ says,"God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." Is God resisting you because you have ignored Him through uncontrolled emotions, compromising sexually, rebelling against authority, disorganized finances, un-forgiveness, or fear? This teaching will help identify pride in your life and will show you how to live your life under God's control.

Secrets of an Unforgettable Woman - Ruth

Are you living with a victimized mentality? Do you look around and wonder why it seems like everyone else is living their dream? This teaching will reveal Ruth’s secret that will give you insight on how not to victimize your future. Instead, learn how to pour all of your energies into the present to prepare yourself for the mate God has for you.

Self Management 101

God wants us, and has allowed us to be good stewards over ourselves and our affairs. How we manage our lives is God's litmus test to see if we are capable of handling more, and we are called to diligently watch over four key areas in our lives: our hearts; our money; our time and our sexual purity. We cannot believe, or expect God's promises while simultaneously violating God's principles. When we pray for more in our lives we must also plan, organize and manage our lives proactively. It's easy to confuse idle movement or being busy with progress so sometimes we're frustrated when our increase is delayed. Jesus was very focused from the beginning of His ministry when he said, "I know I must be about my Father's business," right up until the end, when he proclaimed, "It is finished." Like Christ if we want to stay on God's timetable we must maintain our focus, remain diligent and filled with integrity. This teaching will give you the keys to attract more by managing your life God's way.


Do you realize that your self portrait determines your self-conduct? We will rarely rise above the self-portrait that we have of ourselves. Without a healthy self-portrait you will define yourself by what people say instead of what God says!! In order for God to change your life He has to change the way you seem Him as well as the way you see yourself. Your life decisions revolve around how you view yourself and will position you to be a victim or victor. Only with a biblical self portrait can you have true success in life. Otherwise you will be successful on the outside only and will go through life miserable. Recognize that sin hinders and blurs your self-portrait, but God is ready to renew your vision and paint a new portrait today!

Single in the City: His Rules or Yours

This is a power teaching which discusses the importance of working on your vertical relationship with God, before you work on your horizontal relationships with people–including the self-sabotaging behavior we engage in when we fail to work on our vertical relationship.

Spiritual Cooperation

Every miracle consists of an equal man and God part. However, both must work together to achieve its full manifestation. Some Christians believe it is all the man part and rely on their programs, procedures, and policies. Other Christians believe it is all the God part and rely solely on prayer. There must always be a balance of the two for spiritual cooperation to take place. Just as an acorn is the raw material for a tree God often gives you the raw materials for your miracle. He does this so that, like that tree, you can engage in the process of growth. It is in this process that He wants to develop your character. Spiritual cooperation requires patience. Think of it in terms of a tennis match where you're on one side and God on the other. If it seems like God is not returning the serve there is a tendency to want to jump over the net to do the God part, but doing so could result in disqualification. The good news is that God leaves the hardest part for himself. For example, you can lay hands on the sick, but it is God who brings the healing or you could give the Gospel to the unsaved, but it is the conviction of the Holy Spirit that brings them to salvation. We see this dynamic in the lives of Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah who used their man part, administrative skills, to win favor with their kings so that God could do his part. You must always be mindful of keeping in synchronization and balance with the Lord. This teaching will show you how to do just that and begin living in spiritual cooperation!

Spiritual Divas

This ten-week series focuses on empowering women in their role as helper to mankind from a position of strength, identifying the qualities of a virtuous woman that allow her to be a tool in the hands of our Heavenly Father. This by far has been our most popular teaching series. Some of the subjects covered are:How Satan tries to get women in offense and bitterness to rob them of their potential. The importance of having a teachable spirit. The importance of faithfulness. The God of restoration. Are you building a monument to your pain, or an alter of praise? The power of associations. How do you know when you are having a defining moment? Becoming a student of consequences. The power of specificity.


Webster's defines Stubbornness as being unreasonably determined to exert one's will. This teaching challenges us to examine the choices we make in our lives; whether it has to do with our credit card spending, our relationships, our eating habits, or always needing to have the last word. Stubbornness is a form of pride and the bible tells us that God resists the proud and this is clearly illustrated in Exodus. Pharaoh had to go through 10 plagues before he decided to let the children of Israel go and even after all that he eventually reverted back to his stubbornness once the Israelites left. Pharaoh did not have a teachable spirit and had to go through the pain of learning the same lesson over and over again. Like Pharaoh are we getting into trouble over and over, or are we repeating the same patterns again and because we're too stubborn to see the "plagues" in our lives? Are we simply too stubborn to change? When God delivers us, when He gives us relief do we revert back to our disobedient behavior? Or do we desire a change of heart? We should desire change in our inward beings and not just a change in our circumstances. Making the same mistakes over and over again is painful. This teaching on stubbornness will show you how to develop a teachable spirit so that you'll be motivated to change without the pain.

The Danger of Complaining

Is God speaking to you about moral purity, church attendance, tithing, forgiveness, or even your love walk and all you do is complain ? Complaining is a form of inner dialogue that erodes your self confidence, resolve, and will. When we complain we mentally focus on the bad things in our lives rather than the good. The enemy loves it when we complain--he wants us to speak about what we are experiencing rather than what we are expecting--that's his goal, because when we complain we remain right where we are. Complaining makes us feel like victims , attracts other complainers, and we wind up focusing on our problems rather than the solutions. To complain in Greek means "to have a secret debate" about a displeasure that is not openly expressed . The Israelites constant complaining, their "secret debate " caused an 11 day journey to turn into 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. What the Israelites did not realize is that it is not what you lack that holds you back it’s what you think you need. What are the secret debates in your life? This teaching will explore the dangers of complaining and help you take the steps to adopting a positive mindset."

The Family

While parents have the opportunity to be the greatest influence on their children’s lives, this doesn’t always happen. Unfortunately, growing up with Biblical qualities being modeled in the home is rare. This three-part teaching identifies the qualities of a healthy home as outlined in the Bible. While you can’t control your ancestors, you can influence your descendents! Let’s give your children a better baton pass than you received.

The Mind The Battlefield of Faith

In this exciting teaching series you will learn how to be victorious over the inside enemies of fear, procrastination, doubt and any self sabotaging behaviors that has kept you from reaching your full potential. This teaching is a crash course to victory by outlining biblical principles on how you can win the battle on the inside so that the battle on the outside will never defeat you.

The Ministry of Grief

Do you feel that you just can’t metabolize life’s experiences when the pain of past relationships or moral failures is just too much for you to bare? Or, are you having a difficult time getting over the loss of a loved one? This teaching series will help you let go of your past so you can embrace what can be and live.

The Power of Vision

Looking for a translator for the dream you had on the inside to turn it into a ministry on the outside? The Bible teaches us that where there is no vision the people perish. In this insightful teaching you will discover God’s vision for your life and what are the practical steps to make it into a reality

The Power of Attitude

The one thing that can never be taken away from a person is their attitude. In this exciting teaching, you will learn that your attitude is either your greatest asset or your greatest liability. This series will empower you to see life from God's perspective and to remain positive regardless of the challenges you face. Remember, nothing can defeat a man with the right mental attitude, and nothing can help a person who has the wrong one!

The Power of Contentment

One of the bigest challenges in our Christian life is learning how to be content while we are waiting for breakthrough in certain areas of our lives. Paul said, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11). In this powerful teaching, you will discover that contentment is a learned behavior that is possible regardless of your external circumstances. Learn how to enjoy the journey in route to the destination that God has for you! PLEASE NOTE: THIS TEACHING IS A SUBSET OF THE POWER OF ATTITUDE.

The Power of Discipline

Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment. We all have to suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is that discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons. Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it irregardless of your feelings. When you lack discipline you lose credibility with yourself!!! Don't wait for things to deteriorate so drastically that someone else must impose discipline into your life. The primary reason people fail is that they are more concerned with pleasing methods than pleasing results. The battle in life is not doing things that are tension relieving, but rather things that are goal achieving!

The Power of Persistence

People, events and obstacles can stop you temporarily, but only you can stop yourself permanently! If you are tempted to quit, tired of waiting, running out of energy and sincerely desire to have your Christian walk jump-started TODAY then this four-part CD teaching is just for you. This indispensable teaching will provide you with essential and biblically based tools to develop persistence. You will learn that obstacles will be part of your autobiography if you are going to do anything big for God. Also, you will learn the six most common reasons why people give up and see if any of these apply to you. Discover how failure does not have to be final if you will adopt the right attitude. Learn how to turn stumbling blocks into stepping-stones. If you are going to be all that God has called you to be, you have to develop persistence.

The Wilderness: God's Classroom

When the children of Israel left Egypt they entered into the wilderness in route to the promise land. This migration resembles the journey that Christians take as they leave a sinful life and move into their purpose. The wilderness is the classroom that God uses to prepare you for His best and to wean you from the dysfunctional attitudes and appetites that were developed in Egypt. Our attitude in the wilderness determines how long the trip will take. To successfully go through the wilderness we must realize the enemy is the 'inner me'! God has to first take you out of Egypt, then take Egypt out of you! Satan will use delay, disappointment, and discouragement to elongate the trip in order to make you feel like quitting. There is a great temptation to want to act out in the flesh by looking back at Egypt, because it seems like God is taking to long. But just like Jesus, God will always prepare you privately before he releases you into public ministry. Its time to stop taking the same classes over and over, but to finally graduate!

Trusting in God - The Next Dimension of Faith

As we grow in our Christian walk we must learn the difference between faith and trust. Faith is confidence in God, trust is commitment to God. Faith says "I believe God can do it," but trust says, "Even though things aren’t turning out as I expected, I’m going to remain committed to God." Trust is the next dimension of faith; the graduate school of faith. Operating in trust allows us to enter into God’s rest, and free ourselves from worry, fear, and anxiety. In this exciting teaching, you will learn how to transition from faith to trust.

Understand The Purpose Of Test & Trial

This series shows you how to determine whether the current situation you’re in is a test or a trial. It focuses on:The importance of your attitude. How to extract the lesson that God desires for you to learn from the situation.

Vision the Bridge between Your Gift and Your Destiny

Over the last 15 years of ministry, I have had numerous conversations with people who were aware that they had a unique gift from God, but invariably they were challenged with how one transitions from the awareness of their spiritual gift to the implementation of that gift. In this exciting 6 cd teaching, you will be equipped with the practical steps to help you transition into the awesome destiny that God has for you. You will learn to move from concept to completion, over come any hurdle that has stood in your way, and fulfill the desires of your heart!

What is the Heart? - Power For Living

In this exciting teaching you will learn how to give birth to the desires of your heart. It will help you differentiate between the soul (you) and the spirit (God). The soul consists of the mind, will, emotions, intellect, reasoning, affections, memories, and imaginations. When you learn how to unite these 8 components with your spirit, you are a candidate to live a powerful life! Anytime there is disconnect between these 8 components and your spirit, you will experience a power leak. Discover how to convert life experiences into fuel that will take you to where God wants you to be. Learn how to handle the natural tension you encounter while discover your assignment by studying Bible characters. When your soul and spirit are faithfully walking arm and arm you will live powerfully!

What To Do While You Are Waiting On God

This series teaches the difference between being a passive waiter and an active waiter, and discusses why Satan tries to get you out of God’s timing. This is a must to own if you’re in a season of waiting.

Women in the Crossfire: Intrinsic Values or External Accoutraments

The goal of the Satan is to have a woman in a constant state of shame and to keep asking herself, "How could I have been so foolish?" In this teaching you will discover why women continue to get involved with unhealthy high risk men that leave them feeling cheapened and demoralized. By learning the anatomy of deception you can identify when he is trying to trap you. You will learn how Satan attacks women because he understands awesome power of their influence. Women have an emotional, spiritual, and physical womb that Satan seeks to impregnate with negativity through vicious cycles of low self worth and feelings of inadequacy. We must recognize 12 characteristics of women searching for their identify and how to not succumb to these unhealthy patterns. Satan uses, shame, guilt, fear, and alienation to rob women of their potential. Its time to stop going through life settling for crumbs and pretending its a meal!

You Can't Rush Love<

Did you know that new relationships have been proven to be as addictive as some drugs? If you have ever been in love you are familiar with the intoxicating feelings that occur as you get to know someone. These are exciting and captivating, but they are a poor foundation to build a long-lasting relationship on. You must allow the relationship time to experience all of the seasons of life or you may make a premature decision to get married. Only to one day realize that the person you married is not the person you thought they would be. Countless numbers of couples have rushed to the altar, because in their words their marriage "would be different". Relationships are a marathon, not a sprint! Just about anyone can look impressive in the sprint, but a strong relationship is built on character that has endurance during the marathon. This exciting teaching will expose you to relationship killers that don't show up in the sprint and will prevent you from making a hasty decision while you are under the "love bug".

Your Divine Calling

Did you know that there is a supernatural reason for your existence? We each have a divine purpose in life, but only when it is tied to your life are you in your divine calling. In fact, you do not start living until you live with the awareness that my life is tied to a divine purpose. Until you are conducting your life for something bigger than yourself, you are merely existing. The difference between fulfilled and unfulfilled people in the body of Christ is that the fulfilled live with the awareness for their existence. The reason people quit and throw in the towel is because they never discover their divine purpose. It is not the size of your obstacles that will slow you down, but it's the smallness of your purpose that will. If you do not live in your divine calling your epitaph, like many, will read "a soul saved, but a life wasted!" This teaching is for those who want to learn what their calling is, what hinders them from hearing the voice, and to finally be empowered to soar into their destiny!!

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